Chapter 22

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"No way! I'm sorry but I was crap at maths in school until I started working on them so get your arse back up here and finish this equation missy!" Alex instructs from his desk. I have my Christmas exams on Monday and it is currently Saturday. My school usually has them before Christmas but this year they decided to have the osenior cycel of the school do them after Christmas. Bullshit, I know. I started complaining about my maths exam while out with Alex and now he has made it his priorit to make sure I get at least a B. Which I told him was stupid because I get either A's or B's in all my other subjects except maths. Maths can go fuck itself. It literally is a piece of shit on a page, and I dont feel like clearing that up. So now Alex has made me come over every second day to study maths.  

"I appreciate the effort babe, I really really do, but lets face it, I will never get a B in maths. I'm shit at it. Always has and always will" I state from my current position, that being laying head first on his bed.

"Study and get fifteen of these right, I will take you on a date tomorrow" Alex reasons. I lift up my head with shaking shoulders and stare at him. He nods shwoing he is being genuine. 

"You have some quere ways of asking someone on a date you know" I tell him as i plomp myself back down in his deask chair. 

"Now, I know you know this, this is easy, if x equals seven, and y equals nineteen what is x plus y equal to?" Alex asks. I dont even have to think before i answer.

" Twenty-six" I say.

"Good babe, now to the harder ones" 


"Yus! Bring me for dinner bitch" I shout slaming the book closed as i jump up and down happily. I successfully got fifteen of the questions right before shouting, thank God no one is home.

"You know I would happily lose to that dare again and again" Alex says smiling.

"Dont give me that. I won. So where we going?" I ask.

"Surprise, you'll see tomorrow, just make sure you dress to the max" Alex instructs as he cleans up my books and place them on the table near the door, probably to make sure I don't forget them or to make sure I don't burn them to pieces the little fuck.


"Want to make some food?" Alex asks.

"Cupcakes?" I ask like a child. Alex must  of noticed because he falls into a fit of laughter.

"Yes littel girl we will make some cupcakes for you, come on" Alex mocks beforeopening the door to let me out.


"Okay put the flour into the bowl too" I tell Alex as he pours the flour into a bowl.

" Like that?"

"Perfect" I smile at him.

"I'll do the eggs" Just as I was about to crack the egg in the bowl I feel a puff cloud infront of my faced of flour.

"Oh you are so dead" I say in a threatening voice. 

I quickly grab the bowl and tuck it under my arm to protect it from him. I dash my hand in and grab a handful and smear it all over his face and hair.

"Oh sweet Jesus, I can't see" He shouts. While I was laughing I didn't  notice that he took the carton of eggs and threw on right at the back of my head. I feel the sticky liduid run down my hair and then down my neck. I turn around really slowly to face him.

"Not cool" I grab whatever remains are left of the egg on me and fling it back at him. It misises him and lands on the floor. He goes to run to me to get the flour but falls and bring me with him. The bowl comes crashing to the floor beside us  into bits and I fall on  top of him laughing. 

He pushes a piece of my haor behind my ear still laughing. We slowly stop laughing and lean into eachother as our lips touch. They barely moved before we got interrupted by the shout of Alex's mother.



Love ye guys!! TWO PEOPL COMMENTED ON MY LAST UPDATE! I CANNOT TELL YE HOW HAPPY THOSE NOTIFICATIONS MADE ME !! PLEASE CONTINUE TO VOTE PLEASE!!! And now she got a dedication!!!  Hope ye liked this. I know it's short but ily. I hope to continue on with the updates every Monday so here is this weeks Monday. I will prob update again during the week so keep yo eyes peeled !!




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