Chapter 20

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The girls dresses are above !!!

"I really don't want to go tonight but I sure do love the dress up." Lexi explains wrapping my hair around a curling iron.

Tonight is Lexi's father's formal business party. I thought when we had to buy gowns that they would be normal dresses, but no, I was most definitely wrong. Lexi was warned by her mother that this party was a very high standard party and that we must go all out with the dresses. No mid thigh or tacky thing. So when I say we were to go all out, by God we went all out.

We have approximately forty minutes before we have to leave, we have been preparing for the last two hours, so all of this better pay off. Lexi's hair is already done and she will do my make up  after she finishes my hair. I'm not that bad at doing hair or make up but Lexi is way better than my skill. She has a certain knack for it.

"I know. I just hope it isn't boring, I mean those dresses don't exactly look like ones that we can dance exotically in do they?" I laugh.

"Oh no honey, this is like a ball. I never went before but Luke did and used to always come back saying it was boring. But I do know, that now you are coming with me, I will have fun" She flashes her bright, white smile at me in the mirror.

"Awhhhh" I say dabbing my bottom lip.

"And, done" Lexi says fluffing up my hair, finishing it by spraying hair spray on it. Oh. My. God.

"I love it. Lexi its gorgeous." I say reaching up to give her an awkward hug.

"Okay I'll do your make up since I have you here, then you need to get off my chair so I can make my face pretty" Lexi teases me.




"We look hot" I say as I look at Lexi and I in the full length mirror. The dresses suit us so well and the hair and make up make us look sexy and mysterious.

"Lex? Sky? We are leaving" Lexi's father shouts up the stairs.

"Okay we are coming" Lexi shouts back.

Running as fast as she can in heels Lexi grabs my clutch as well as hers.

"Whuuu" Luke and Brad whistle as they see us at the end of the stairs.

"Big Pete you keep an eye our girls now won't you?" Brad pulls Lexi's father in by the side.

"Got it all covered" Pete laughs.

"Come on girls we can't be late" Lexis mother explains.



"Holy shit!" Lexi whisper/laughs as we enter the the fancy decorated room. This room is undescribable. There is gold drapes hanging on the walls with a subtle cream behind it. There is six chandeliers spread out on the ceilings of the room with so many fancy tables that I can't count just looking at them. All with fancy centre pieces. In the corner is a grand white piano along with a harpest and chello playing soft music to ease the guests. I don't feel underdressed as the woman here are dressed in the same style if not fancier. I look around and realise that Lexi and I must be the youngest here.

"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Collins. It is my absolute pleasure to have you here at my Christmas party. You are such a respected man in this town and it is a pleasure to have you attendance here." A man dressed in an expensive looking tux greets Pete shaking his hand.

"Oh Gerry, thank you very much, the place looks amazing" Pete replies. This Gerry guy smiles and nods in response.

"And Mrs Collins, I don't need to tell you how high up your husband is because i'm pretty sure you already know. My pleasure to have your attendance also" He takes Carols hand and kisses the back of it. Making Carol swoon a little. Pete shifts uncomfortably before saying "All mine Gerry" he laughs.

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