Chapter 26

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I gasp

"Yo-you what?" I hitch.

Alex releases a breath smiling. 

"I love you" He repeats.

I stare back at him.

He loves me! I take a moment to take in what he has just said. Alex loves me. I cough putting my hand up against my mouth. I can't say it back to him. I don't know for sure yet if I love him, I mean we have only been going out for a while and he nearly just broke up with me. I know I love him  but just not enough to say it and get commited. I hesitate, not really knowing what to say. Alex notices this, I see hurt fly through his eyes before being quickly recovered.

"Look I'm not expecting you to say it back to me, I just want you to know how I feel and that I was stupid for nearly throwing that away." He explains with honesty in his eyes. I smile back at him, reaching over to take his hand. 

"I like you a hell of a lot Alex and please just because I'm not saying it now doesn't mean I never will" I squeeze his hands. He reaches over giving me a quick kiss on the lips. 



"He said what!" Lexi shouts.

Lexi and myself took the day to get ice cream after our maths exam, which, thanks to Alex, I think I passed and actually did good in. 

"He said he loved me" I say licking my 99 cone. 

"Holy shit babe. Did you say it back?" 

"No, I'm not ready to yet. I don't want to give him false hope" I explain. 

"That's okay. Oh fuck. fuck fuck fuck! Sky thats Liam!" Lexi points to a man wearing a snapback and a tank top. Clear as day that is Liam.

"What do we do? He's on his way over here" I panic. 

"Walk quickly to the plants, all of them must be here, he wouldn't just go on his own"Lexi says quickly before darting to the plants and hiding in them, I chase after her accidentally landing on top of her.

"For fucks sake you dumb bitch" She hisses rubbing her arm. I laugh out loud, so much I nearly pee.

"Sh sh someone is walking to him" 

We watch Liam walk up to a man whos back is to us.The two talk and laugh before being joined by a third memeber who you would notice a mile away, Niall Horan. Lexi's breath hitches.

"Niall" She whispers.

The three of them walk to the food court where the mystery boy sits down who turns out to be Jake. 

"None of them have changed at all" 

After stalking for a further fifteen minutes the boys are on the move again. "Do we follow them?" I ask.

"Fuck it, ya" Lex replies jumping out from her position, We get weird looks from people who witnessed us falling out of the plant area. We stand up, wipe ourselves down and walk awaya quickly, still out of sight from the boys. Out of nowhere the three stop walking. A man wearing all black walks passed them, the intereact for a few moments before Jake hands him something slyly in his hands, the man then nods and continues on walking passed them. 

I look straight to Lexi. "You don't think, do you?" I ask with my jaw open. "I-I don't know to be honest" She replies.

I just witnessed something illegal. Well I think I did. Was that drugs? I cannot believe that I trusted those boys and all along they were druggies. "We can't say anything for sure though, we didn;t see anything all we saw was a handshake that was longer than usual. We can;t make any accusations." Lexi points out. She has a point and I take everything she is saying on board. I cannot say that I actucally witnessed a seeling of a drug, we didn't see a packet let alone a powder, therefore I can only asume. But I can't help but feel disappointed in the boys. 




"Babe party tonight, I'll pick you and Lexi up at eight, I love you" Alex' voice chimes down the phone.

"Okay, see you then" I reply and hang up, I still havn't told him I love him and I plan on taking my time on it, I'm not going to be rushed into something like that.

"Party tonight bitch, I think it's well deserved after our exams, don't you?" I smirk to Lexi. I know exactly what tonight will consist of;




And Fights.

Please don't kill me I know it's short!! But its only a filter!!! Hope ye are not too bores because in the next 5 chapters a hell of a lot of drama is coming your way!! thats right!!!

i love ye all!!

please please comment i need to know what ye are thinking please!!!

-emily xx


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