Chapter 14

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The last month in Harry and I's relationship was amazing.  I didn't tell my family until last week. I wasn't planning on telling them anything but Cristine found out I was seeing someone and told mam, who wouldn't give up until I told her. Brad was fuming. He tried to go to Harry's house to tell him off but mam stopped him wondering why he hated him so much, which he just stuttered and said that he was no good. I explained that it was my life and I will continue to see Harry whether he liked it or not. Lexi still hasn't told her father or mother. Luke got suspisious when he heard Harry and Iwere dating so he got it out of Lexi to tell him the truth. He wasn't very happy about it but like Brad he could do nothing bout his siters relationship and for some reason he wouldnt tell his father about them.  Niall said he wanted to keep it private for a while until they go public. Lexi was suspicious at first but then decides that it was good idea since Luke warned her of Niall as well. I see Harry nearly every night. But some nights he can't because he is working or has something to do. We would tell our parents that we would be going to the cinema or shopping when really we would be meeting up with the boys. Louis and Zayn brought Eleanor and Perrie with them which was good to have other girls there so back us up in arguments. We got our Christmas holidays Last week. We are off for a month which is brilliant. I don't think Lexi's father would appreciate another detention slip being handed to him. Lexi got a warning from the principle Mr.Herns multiple times about how many times she gets in trouble but he won't do anything about it because her dads the top police officer. She most definitely uses that to her advantage. Christmas is in two weeks and I honestly can't wait. Harry hasn't visited my family yet but Hus mother has asked me to come over for dinner next week so meet them all. I'm not nervous yet but I know it will kick in during next week.  Tonight there is a party at a frat house that Harry and the boys begged us to go to. I didnt really want to go but what better way to kick off your holidays by a party. Lexi had to tell her father that she was staying at my house for the night so she was allowed out. Perrie and Eleanor are going tonight as well so we are all getting ready together. Colton and Cristine are now fourteen. Where has the time gone?  Brad and I brought them both to the fun fair which they loved bit then moaned about wanting to go to their friends house or to the movies so we just left them off. Being teenagers now makes them moody, and when I saw moody, I mean Cristine being moody. I understand that she fourteen now and her hormones are all over the place but I'm seventeen and have less attitude problems than her. Mam on the other hand has been going out a lot lately. She always says that she has a work dinner or going to her friends but even Brad is getting suspicious. I asked her about it before and she just claims that work is getting hectic but I will find out eventually.

"I have it!" Brad shouts, pushing in my bedroom door to where I am lying on my bed watching TV.
"What?" I ask shoving a crisp into my mouth.
"Colton has a girlfriend" He says jumping onto my bed.
"I found out!" He says happily.
"How?" I ask suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.
"I dropped them to school this morning, and had a to answer a phone call so I parked the car while they went into the school grounds and answered the call. Colton went up to a girl and kissed her, then they both walked in together." He smirks. I was about to protest that they are on holidays also but then remember they don't get holidays until next week.
"Oh my god" I say.
"I know"
"Oh my God!" I shout.
"Is she pretty?" I ask. He thinks for a moment before answering.
"If I saw yes would that be weird because she is going out with my brother?" He asks.
"Then yes, she is very pretty" He answers.
"This is so cute. Do you think he will tell mum?" I ask smiling.
"Don't. Don't say it to her. Let him do it when he is ready. Until then you are welcome to come on the school run with me and stalk them" He answers with a complete straight face.
"Where are you going tonight?" Brad asks lying back on my bed. I hesitate for a moment before answering. He can't ban me from going. Should I tell him? Mum will probably tell him anyway.
"Ah,to a party" I say getting up and getting a bag to get my things in order.
"What kind of party?" He questions.
"A party" I state.
"Who are you going with?" He questions again.
"Harry" I answer. Brad grunts.
"Skylar. Be careful okay. I know you will probably shout at me for telling him off but please,for you, be careful" He warns. I just smile to keep him haply and nod.
"Don't worry Brad I know" I answer sweetly. I am sick of him warning me about Harry but just to stop this conversation from going any further.
"Okay. I have to go to Luke's. Don't worry I bet any money Lexi told her dad she's staying here. I'll keep quiet" He winks.
"You know me so well" I laugh.

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