Chapter 12

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That night Lexi confessed that her and Niall indeed did have sex. Who am I to judge if they wanted to take things fast ? I told her that I didn't een know what Harry and I are. I mean, he never asked me and I never said anything about that. So it's now Monday, Lexi and I went to school as normal but it turned out Lexi got detention, again. For apparently telling a teacher to go suck a dick. I was there and all she said was and i quote, "Mrs. Bryan, stop giving out to me. I did nothing I have my homework done like" Adn Mrs.Bryan replied with "I dont want to hear it Lexi now move to the front", Lexi's reply was.. "Oh Danielle,  I heard about you, giving Mr. Brown a bj". Technically she didn't tell her to 'suck a dick'. So I am now walking out the school gates with no lift home as Lexi was my lift. When I get outside it is absolutely boiling. A walk won't do me too bad I suppose. I pop in my headphones and wall on the pavement.

I have been wallking for about fifteen minutes until I hear a car beep beside me. I look up to see Harry and the rest of the guys in his range rover.

"Hey! Why are you walking?" Harry shouts while looking at me then back to the road trying to keep a slow pace with my walking.

"Harry just pull over" I hear what I think is Zayn say to him. Harry takes his advice and drives up a bit and parks the car, waiting for me to walk up to them. Once I get to the door I lean against it.

"Lexi got detention, she was my lift" I explain.

"What did she do?" Niall perks his head inbetween the two seats infront.

"She um told the teacher that she found out about her giving another teacher a blowjob infront of the whole class" I laugh. The car erupts into laughter.

"Oh my God, I dont get on with her but you have to admit that was good" Jake says from the very back seats.

"Anyway, to spead things up here, we were just on the way to your house actually. We are going to the beach do you and Lexi want to come with us?" Louis asks from the front seat. I start to drift away thinking, there so many of them how do they choose who sits in the front seat ?. Like do they all run to it and first to get there, gets it ? Or is it because what I can grasp is Louis and Harry are close.

I bring myself back to reality noticing all the confused faces.

"Sorry kinda zoned out there. I would, but Lexi as i said is in detention" I sigh. Damn it Lexi. I could of had some frisky time with Harry. While you get it on with Niall. Fuck the others.

"How long is detention ?" Max asks.

"An hour" I exasp.

"Thats okay, sure we can go to your house get whatever you need, them go to Lexi's and you can go get all her clothes. By that time she surely will nearly be finished" Liam explains.  I think abou tit in my head for a few seconds and just decide fuck it. Lets go.

"Okay" I smile making eye contact with Harry, making him smile back. "Where do I sit?" I ask.

"Dont worry, the boys will move."Harry basically orders the guys. Niall gets up off his seat and squeezes in beside Zayn and Jake at the back. I hop into his seat. "Thanks Niall"

The drive back to my house was loud. Laughter filled the car as they talk about a joke that happened earlier that day that I didnt know about. I lean my head against the window while the boys laugh and chat. Harry notices and smiles at me through the mirror.

We pull up to my driveway. I almost have a heart attack when I think about Luke and Brad being here, but thank God there college doesnt finish until after us.

"Wait here, I'll be literally two minutes" I order making sure they dont go into my houe and just to be sure I lock the door once Im inside. I run up to my room and fill my bag with a towel, spair pair of clothes and change into my bikini throwing shorts and a tank top over them. I find my sunglasses and place them on top of my head.  The drive to Lexi's house wasnt any better. I fill her bag with the same things as mine but I grab shorts and a top with her flip flops and sunglasses when so she can change when she comes out.

The car park is empty execpt for a few teachers car's that had to stay back and most likely prepare for tomorrows lessons. 

"Time?"Louis asks.


"She should be out now" I say gettin out of the car with her stuff.

"Woah, woah where are you going ?" Harry asks.

"Gettin gher and giving her, her clothes so she can change in the toilets. Jeesh calm it" I explain closing the door. I walk in the front doors of the school, the same time Lexi xomes out of the detention room. She gives me a confused look while walking over to me.

"Wha-"I cut her off.

"The guys, being Niall, Harry and them are going to the beach and invited us, so I packed your bag now go change into these before Ms.Bryan has a spass attack" I shove the things into her hands pushing her down the hall. She comes out of the toilets and runs outside with me before the janitor see's us.

"Im so unfit, its actually worrying" She gasps for air.

"Come on" I drag her out. Once we get to the car Niall jumps out and gives Lexi a right all smooch.

"Ewwww!" Louis and I scream in sync.

"Lexi can sit on my lap" Niall points out.  We atart off the car and make our way.

"How was detention ?" Max asks. Lexi groans.

"Stupid. I was the only one who wa sin there. Ms. Bryan ranting on about my accusation which to her was false but I saw it with my own two eyes" She points to her eyes.

"Ew! Really ?" Louis asks.

"Mhm. Went to hand in my English report, look in the room window and Bam!. She on her knees and his thingy wingy was all over her mouth, I had to wash my eyes out with Holy water" She sighs cringing at the memory.  The whole car laughs, including me.

"Harry remember that time we found Mr.Hertley taking Mrs.Lewrons over the desk ?" Louis taps Harry's shoulder.

"Yes! Sickest day of my life. Like hwat where they forty ?" Harry exclaims.

"More!" Liam shouts. "fifty, he is definitely fifty" He confirms.

"okay, i dont think mine is as bad now" Lexi whispers quiet loudly.

"How long is the journey ?" I ask Harry.

"Bout an hour or two , we'll stop and get stuff to bring there to eat in a while" He answers winking at me in the mirror again.



We spent longer than we thought at the town before the beach getting food. A full hour to be exact. Lexi and I saw a guy dressed up as Winnie the Pooh so we wanted a icture but her refused as we wern't kids. But Lexi and I didn't give up that easily. Its now dusk outside and we just got ere. There is no one at the beach. An empty car park and an empty beach with the tide coming in.

"There is no way, i am wearing a bikini" Lexi says.

"I second that. It's freezing" I exclaim.

"It's dark now, so why dont we play a good ole game of, hide and seek in the dark" Louis says rubbing his hands together.

"Ye can pair up, we dont need any deaths on our hands tonight people" He explains.

Harry puts his arm around my waist."Im with Skylar"

"Lexi" Niall shouts.

"Zayn"Jake shouts.

"Liam" Max shouts.

"Im on."Louis sulks.

"Okay 1, 2 , 3 Go!" He shouts. Everyone runs off in diferent directions Harry grabs my hand intertwining our fingers and runs far down the beach.We keep running until he pulls us far into a sand dun.

"I have been waiting for this" He whispers before crashing our lips together.

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