Chapter 3

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The minute he said his name i was stunned. He smirked at me sending chills down my body.

"Okay, thats great, now fuck off" Lexi said jumping off the fence and walking away. I also jump off the fence, jogging over to walk beside her. I turn around once i hear feet hitting off the ground in our pursuit.

"Why ya leaving ?" Niall, i believe asks us, earning hums from his mates in agreement.

"Not interested" Lexi spits before grabbing my arm and walking away. I feel a pang of sadness running through me and i dont know why. I didnt like them guys, simply because they annoy me, but there is just something about that Harry, that makes me feel, i dont know, weird. The look in his eyes, the way they shimmered, could melt butter.

"Jesus Christ their annoying as hell" Lexi speaks up after a while.

"Dont i know" i agree.

"That Jake guy has some balls. I wouldnt mind putting in back in his place of knowing where he belongs. Sure as hell wont get anwhere with me" She grumbles.We walk over to Brad and his mates, trying to find something to occupy our time until the cars pass here.When we walk over they are all leaning against their spot, arms folded looking on.

"Hey" Lexi says, grabbing the boys attention. Nearly all the guys look her up and down, basically checkin her out. She notices and starts to swing her hips side to side a bit more, just for effect.

"Hey" Brad responds moving a bit so we have space to lean up on the wall.

"Its packed tonight" He says refering to the crowd.

"Full of creeps" I hear Lexi whisper. I couldnt help but let out a laugh.

"what's so funny ?"Brad asks cocking up an eyebrow at us.

"Group of guys tried to hit on Sky and I" Lexi shrugs as if it was no big deal. But the again it isn't to her.

"Names ?"Brad asks looking back to the circuit.

"There was alot of them but i can only rememebr like a few, Niall, Harry, Jake,Liam and i think there was one called Zayn" She answers.

"Ya and another oes were  called Max and Louis" I finish for her. Brad's head snaps to us.

"What did they say ?" He demands standing infront of us now. I shake a bit from the fright.

"No-nothing, Lexi pulled us away before they started having a conversation with us" I say shaky.

"Good, dont ever, ever talk to them okay? Never. I mean it Skylar, wait till i tell Luke they were talking to ye two"He turns back to the crowd.I look over to Lexi in confusion, with her doing the exact same thing. When i think back to the boys, at the time they didnt seem too harmful, like normal guys. But that word 'never' that Brad said, makes me feel a bit unsettled. What's so bad about them?Just as I was about to ask I hear car wheels screeching coming around the last corner. We all run to the finish line, which wasn't too far from us so we could see perfectly. It was hard to make out the first car until it came closer into view. It just so happened to be Luke. The whole crowd started cheering once they saw his car, for the champion has one again. Lexi started screaming once he crossed the line, running over to him and huggind him. Everyone gathered around him shouting and cheering.

"Luke Collins, our undefeatable champion has done it again!" The main guy shouted earning the crowd erupting into shouts. To be honest I never really worried about Luke or Brad when they are in these races, i mean people do die from this but i trust them when they say "i dont need luck" because they dont. They have the skill and know what they are doing, to not take the wrong turn and crash.

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