Chapter 2

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So here i am. At  Lexi's house getting ready for this drag race which I was dragged to. Did i forget to mention that this stuff is iilegal ? Well it is, if my mam found out that Brad and myself go here from time to time we would most definitely be grounded for at least a year, with nothing to do with our lives beside school. I presume Luke and Brad are already there or just at my house. Luke and Brad are all into this kind of stuff. They participate in nearly every race and most of the time Luke wins, which would result in him getting money and having quiet the name for himself.I dont really know why he decided not to take part in this one and be on the pitstop for Luke.

"And finished" Lexi says as she adds the last stroke of mascara to her eyes. Lexi ia wearing black skinny jeans with a few cuts in it, along with a white tank top and a black leather jacket, and to finish her black heeled boots. Me on the other hand is wearing dark blue skinny jeans, and a navy blouse with a brown leather jacket. We never really dress up for these things because we usually get distroyed from helping the boys on the side and just its a rally and not many girls go here. It is a massive thing for money and all but its usually the girls that boyfriends are rich and want a name for themselves. Their are all usually taken but there is always a massive crowd at these things. I grab my keys, handbag and head for the door. Once at the old run down warehouse we are immediately greeted by a long line of cars and people. We make our way to the where the cars line up at the starting line, everyone trying to talk to the drivers to wish them luck.

"Ayo sister!"I hear Luke shout from his car.I turn to see him leaning against his car and all his friends around him, Brad amongst them. " Shut up i can see you asshole"Lexi calls back making her way to them.

"You all set ?"She asks.Luke chuckles and nods."Arent I always ?" he smirks back. "Just be careful okay ?" She sighs back. Luke gasps and places his hand over his heart. " oh my God my stuck up little sister actually cares for me ?" He says shocked earning a laugh from the group of friends. "Yeah yeah dont let it get out okay?" she laughs nudging him a bit.I walk over to Brad, he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Why are you not racing ?" i ask in slight confusion. "I didnt feel up to it today" he shrugs. I decide to leave it at that. Brad is the kind of guy that if he feels up to something he will do it , if not he wont.

"Drivers please enter your cars!" Someone shouts from afar. I see Lexi giving Luke a hug and he gices her a kiss on the cheek. I run over to him givng him a quick him while saying 'good luck'. Brad and his friends go to side where all the people mind the fuel and stuff while Lexi and I go to the line up. I look around at everyone noticing most people had beer with them. Usually after all of these Luke,Brad,Lexi and myself go for a few drinks. I couldnt help but notice a group of about five or six boys a few people away from us. That usually never bothered me but what was, was the fact the tall guy was like staring at me. I shift uncomfortably and look back at the cars.

"3 2 1 GO!!" The guy shouted. All of a sudden we were engulfed in smoke and firing engines.The whole crowd erupted in roars, cheering on a paticular car.

"Come on Luke!" Lexi shouts. Once the cars are out of sight we ask Brad if they need any help to which he declines. So we decided to  manuvour between the crowd to get to the fences in the back, occasionaly getting the offer of buying some drugs. We climbed the wooden fences and sat right  on the top enjoying the silence. Everyone is usually huddled around the track spread out so they never really notice the e fences so its a good place to just chill. Once we are comfortable Lexi pulls out a bottle of Vodka.

"Now this will make the night fun"She smirks taking a sip from it.

"Want some ?" She offers me holding the bottle near me. Thinking of it now i could really use a bit of a drink. I nod taking a gulp myself.

"I only want like four sips thats it, Brad and Luke will be pissed we didnt wait for them to go to the forest so keep a bit of it for then" i instruct her earning a nod in response.

I look around again just enjoying the silence until i notice something a bit odd.The group of men at the finish line were close and the tall one was still staring at me. Once he see's me looking he smirks and says something to the other lads in the group making them turn around and look directly at us.

"Lexi see the group of guys over there like on my slight right ?" i ask looking straight at her to not make it obvious I was talking about them.She looks directly at me but her eyes look at the boys.

"mmh" he hums.Nottaking her eyesof them. "At the starting line they were there and the tallest guy was like staring at me again and i bet he still is" I explain.She looks over at the boys again.

"Actually they all are looking over here" Sh remarks quiet annoyed.She turns back to siting on the fence, taking a pretty big gulp of the Vodka before shouting "Oi pretty boys, what the fuck are you staring at ?"

All the men chuckle before one replies "Ye fine ass girls" earning high fives off his friends.

"Ya well us fine ass girls, dont need perv's like you staring at us. Either read a fucking book on how to treat girls or fuck off" She remarks back, smirking at herself, taking more from the bottle. The boys were silent, before making their way over to us.

"oh for fuck sake" Lexi murmurs. Once they stop infront of me I can see all of them. There is seven of them, each fairly good looking. I get a good look at the guy that keeps staring at me, which happens to be beautiful. His green eyes pierced into mine like a needle. His curly wild hair bounced perfectly on his head while his build was strong and tall.

"Well, what the fuck do you want ?" Lexi asks slightly annoyed.

"Yano for a girl so hot, your language is awful" A boy with jet black hair said.

"Do i look like i give a shit ?" Lexi states taking another sip of the vodka before passing it to me. I take a huge gulp feeling the tall boys eyes on me.

"Okay no need to be rude. Lads why dont we introduce ourselves ? I'll start by saying Im Liam" A well built boy with a stubble said going inbetween the boy and Lexi, probably to make sure a fight doesnt break out, which i wouldn't put passed Lexi.

"I'm Louis" A boy with pants that looked too short for him said.


"Jesus Christ look at your cheek bones"Lexi says shocked earning a chuckle from him.

"Im Max" A boy that i have to say that he was handsome too.

"Jake" The boy that was accusing Lexi of having bad language the fucking eejit.

"Im Niall" A boy said with blonde hair.He looked totally mesmerised by Lexi.He did'nt take his eyes off her at all. I smile a bit to myself, because Niall doesnt look too bad for Lexi, but Lexi just looks at him like she did for the rest of the boys, annoyance.

"And I'm Harry"

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