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you're not exactly sure what to make of this new buzz of affection you feel for the other vampire, but once's he's returned to the room, fully dressed and holding up a change of clothes for yourself, you find that it's growing rapidly.

you mumble a string of incoherent curse words as you finally realize the depth of meaning behind the term 'soulmate connection'. you're beginning to understand just how much trouble you've really gotten yourself into.

"well?" crowley taps his foot against the wooden flooring, impatient. "get dressed."

you blanch at his words, and the blatant expectation behind them. you jump up, snatching the dress out of his hands, which just so happens to be the same one he'd given you the first day you were here.

"like fucking hell. go wait outside." you instruct, pointing to the door with a demanding index finger.

crowley groans in disappointment, but he seems to grasp the fact that you have no patience to deal with him right now. the only thing in your mind is getting to your friends before they get here.

once crowley has shut the door, you waste no time in throwing off the clothes you'd slept in, and quickly step into the fabric of the clean dress that he brought for you. you pull on the pair of boots he had left at the door, and are ready to go.

you announce that you're finished changing by swinging the door open and getting started down the hallway, promptly dragging the other vampire along with you.

"what do you intend to do about your oh so loyal followers?" you ask, reaching the stairs before halting, and rounding on crowley with your questions.

he shrugs. "well, i'm not sure-"

you grit your teeth at his incompetence. shouldn't he know how to get past them if he knows them so well?

"fuck. yeah-window." your mouth runs with the first thing your brain can think of, and you side step the staircase, tugging open the window to the left, and glancing down at the far away ground. you hum.

"scared? i can help you..." crowley trails off as you blatantly ignore him, hyper-fixated on your goal. you know it's not going to hurt you to jump anymore, so you ignore your irrational fear. that, and spiting crowley is much more fun than just letting him help you out.

you allow yourself to drop out the window, bracing yourself so as not to meet the ground with your ass instead of your feet. you don't want to know how long you'd have to deal with crowley's teasing.

crowley meets you on the ground a moment later, directing you around the building as the two of you make your escape.

it isn't long before you've reached the main road considering your newly acquired vampire speed. you sprint alongside crowley, hoping to meet your friends sometime soon, before your anxiety becomes too much.

they'll reject me

they won't

but what if-

the sound of a car engine approaching pulls you out of your overwhelming thoughts, and you raise your head to see a truck rounding the upcoming corner, moving towards you full speed.

you sigh in relief at the sight of your friends in the vehicle, a happy smile tugging at the corner of your lips as you watch kimizuki slam on the breaks, and the jeep halts before you and crowley.

you're at the vehicle in no time, meeting shinoa at her door as she jumps out of the car, the sound of her yelling mixed up with the others.

yuu, shinoa, yoichi, kimizuki, trident man... and yuu's family? isn't he a vampire too? you know with just one look at the blond vampire, and the biggest wave of relief washed over you, cleansing you of your anxiety. they won't reject you. reject crowley, more than likely, but not you.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now