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you scrunch you're nose up in irritation as you continue to listen to crowley's pacing; the sound of his footsteps ring in your ears and prevent you from falling asleep.

"can you stop walking around?" you hiss into the dark. the footsteps cease a moment later. you turn your head to meet crowley's eyes in the dark room.

crowley is silent for a moment, as if contemplating something. "can you stand up?"

you raise an eyebrow, propping yourself up on your elbows. "what for?" you question, a cautious tone to your voice.

crowley huffs out a breath of air, rolling his eyes at you. "please just stand."

please just stand


you grit your teeth at his words, but still, something compelled you to stand nonetheless.

you slowly pull yourself to your feet, but you don't make your way over to the vampire. he watches you, a little surprised you followed even such a simple command without argument. he doesn't smile about it this time.

when you don't make an attempt to move closer, crowley takes that aspect of his idea into his own hands, taking measures steps towards you. he stops in front of you, the light from the hallway through the partially open door casts shadows across his sharp, porcelain features. you resist the urge to reach out to him, to see if his ethereal appearance is real, or if you touch him, will he disappear for good?

crowley reaches out for you first, placing his gloves hands omg your shoulders, and squeezing gently as he looks down at you with red eyes.

your eyes meet, but you're quick to look away, unwilling to hold eye contact with the vampire before you, who's grip on your shoulders is nothing less than careful. as if if he squeezed too hard, or not enough, you may be the one to disappear.

your gaze instead meets the dark floorboards beneath your feet, which are much darker with only the light from the hallway to illuminate their surface.

crowley's hands slide off of your shoulders, moving slowly down your arms. his hands reach your wrists, and he holds them gently, stopping just short of holding your hands.

neither of you move for a moment. neither of you knowing what to do or say, but you do know that there is something crowley wants o do, but is holding back. though your intuition isn't telling you he has malicious intent. when you had previously locked eyes, his gaze was not harmful, or holding bad intent. he seemed cautious, nervous even.

crowley's hands retreat once more, but only to pull off his gloves, revealing the flesh of his hands.

the vampire reaches out again, wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a gentle embrace. one that is timid, almost as if he were afraid of you rejecting such an act.

you freeze, hesitation overcoming you. such a gentle gesture coming from such a dangerous creature.

you want to push him away. you want to yell at him and tell him you're going to kill him, but something compels you. slowly, you reach up to return the gentle hug.

once your arms are secure around crowley's waist, the vampire seems to lose all hesitation. his hold on your shoulders becomes tighter, though he seems to be putting in conscious effort to make sure he isn't hurting you.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now