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to say that you feel a little closer to crowley after last nights conversation is unquestionably, an understatement. part of you thinks trusting him is the best idea you have right now, while the other part says you're going to get yourself killed. i'm the end, somethings better than nothing, so you spent all of last night weighing your options.

this morning however, is something completely new. with an added weight to your torso, you immediately grasp the situation.

crowley's arms is draped over you, holding you tightly against him as he sleeps soundly behind you. his rock hard, yet surprisingly comfortable chest is pressed into your back, and his nose, pressed into the back of your neck, inhaling your scent and his own shampoo each time he breathes.

you're not entirely sure what to do in the current situation. you try moving the vampires arm yourself, but it won't budge. you pinch the skin on the back of crowley's hand, but he merely flexes his hand and ignores you.

you're getting kind of annoyed, so you kick your legs around, hoping to 'accidentally' land a kick somewhere it'd really hurt.

before you know it crowley's laughter can be heard in your ear, and his grip tightens even further as he laughs at your pathetic attempts to escape his hold.

"what's the problem?" he purrs into your ear, resting his head on your shoulder.

you strike out again. "what do you mean what's the problem. i'm literally trapped!" you shout, a whiny tone to your voice.

crowley's laughter can be heard once more, and he's quick to trap your legs underneath one of his own.

"i think i like sleeping like this." he states happily, his content tone causing more irritation to well up inside you.

"get off, i hate it." you growl, struggling to get away again.

"no you don't. you're comfortable too." crowley states, pressing his face into the space between your neck and shoulder. you huff out an irritated sigh but ignore him anyway.

there's a knock at the door, which startles you. you look towards the door. whoever's on the other side is waiting for permission to enter.

crowley mumbles into your skin incoherently, all you can really catch is "fucking kidding me-" and "now?"

you say nothing, silently laughing at crowley. serves him right.

"lord crowley..." you recognize the voice on the other side of the door to be chess, who sounds frantic. "this is really important."

crowley grumbles some more, but ultimately shuffles away from you, allowing chess to enter.

chess looks a little disturbed when she enters the room, and you're not sure if it's because of the reason she's here in the first place, or the fact that you're sharing a bed with the dude she's clearly crushing on. either way you're laughing.

"um- i don't know if she should hear this..." chess mumbles, looking sort of like a cowering child as she speaks.

crowley sighs, gesturing for her to continue. "it's fine, chess. just speak."

so crowley will just let you hear supposed "important" information? good to know.

"um, we received word that there are moon demon company soldiers on their way here..." both you and crowley's interests are piqued with those words, and you listen intently for what chess will say next. "in fact, they're her friends. same ones as when we captured her."

your blood turns to ice at chess' words. no. they can't come here. you turn to look at crowley, who's expression is stone. he wears no expression, but stares at chess blankly.

you don't know wether he's going to lose it or not, but you don't even want to know. sure, he's your plan of escape, that and you sort of hope he'll come with you, but you're not so sure. chess and horn are strong too, what if one of them happens to end the life of one of your friends? what will you do?

you take a deep breath, steadying your breath. nothing to worry about yet. you know that your friends are strong anyway, so it shouldn't be an issue. maybe- just maybe, crowley will help you? no, you can't count on that. he doesn't understand his feelings yet so how can that work?

"thank you, chess. please find horn and i'll meet the both of you downstairs in a bit." crowley waves the vampire girl away, and turns to you again after the door has shut once more.

what the fuck does he mean downstairs. there's a bunch of downstairs'.

but that's not the issue. the issue is that you have no idea what's going through crowley's mind right now. especially when you can't even read his stoic expression.

"you won't hurt them, right?" you ask, fidgeting with the edge of the duvet. "because-"

"i won't hurt them. but i can't let them have you." crowley sighs, though his hardened expression cracks for a second and you can see a hint of the emotions he's feeling. he looks somewhat nervous, but also sort of angry.

"you bastard. no one can 'have me'!" you hiss, punching the vampire in the shoulder.

crowley doesn't give a reaction. "well don't i already? i said i wouldn't hurt your friends, but that doesn't mean anything."

you punch crowley's shoulder again. "you fucking dickweed! what is this, vampire jealousy? you're a real piece of work, you know that?" you exclaim angrily, punching him for a third time.

"i just- don't want anyone else hurting you." he shrugs, allowing you to punch him thoughtlessly. "if you go with them as you are, you'll die."

you pause, unsure of the meaning behind his words. you're utterly confused, and you let him know with another punch. "what's that supposed to mean?" you ask, attempting to sit up further to listen to his explanation. bad move.

crowley stops you instantly, pushing you back down onto the mattress with a hand on your shoulder. he leans over you, but he's not trying to hurt you, and somehow you already know that.

"i cant let you go without conditions." crowley growls, pushing strands of your hair away from your face. he seems feral, like he's overly concerned for you safety, and he looks something like an animal taken over by instincts, but somehow less dangerous. which is ironic as he's more dangerous than any animal you could possibly come into contact with.

"how many?" you ask, quirking an eyebrow at the mention of crowley's conditions. will he allow you to go if you agree to them?

crowley presses his nose into his favorite spot, right between your neck and shoulder, and somehow, whenever he gets close you always end up shivering.

"just two."

you think for a moment. you need to know what they are, but it makes you nervous. what if it's something you can't even do?

you shrug. "let's hear them." you mentally prepare yourself in crowley's silence, trying not to hold your breath, in case crowley notices your anxiety.

"i'm coming with you." he says, kid king the space he likes so much, which sends a second shiver down your spine. you can't argue, or he may never let you go.

so far, his first demand is something you had reasonably expected, though you wonder how badly your friends will take it, knowing you're stuck with this guy unless all of you can kill him. though you're sure in a real fight against crowley all of you would still die at your level.

"and the second condition?" you ask, your voice shaky as you ask the vampire.

"you become like me." he whispers, pulling away from your neck to meet your eyes. he still looks a little crazed, but part of his expression seems more relaxed, and you assume it's because you've already agreed to his first request.

"you just have to let me turn you."

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