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"so you really don't like it?" crowley asks, incredulous. his eyes are a little wide as he stares at you, clearly disapproving of your judgment.

you lean back into the cushions of the couch, pretending to examine again. you purse your lips in thought, but quickly shake your head. "nope. it's been seen too many times before."

crowley appears no less confused than he had been moments before. "what does that mean?" he questions, crossing his arms defensively.

you sigh, shrugging lamely at the vampires question. "what i'm saying...is that it's lame. it's the only hairstyle you ever wear. it's boring." you explain, waving your hand around as you speak. "you can do better, can't you?"

"but it's easy to just leave it like this." he states, a valid argument for anyone lazy. you however, will not stand for it.

"i don't fucking think so. you look like an idiot. come here." you instruct, waving the vampire over and patting the cushion beside you, inviting him to sit.

your own words hit you when the vampire actually moved to sit down next to you, an expression stuck between satisfaction and surprise resting upon his features. you push down your slight discomfort, you'll deal with it. you did, after all, just put yourself in this situation.

crowley sits, his back facing you so you can see the outline of his broad shoulders and his shoulder blades through the outline of his usual white uniform.

you reach up, pulling the hair tie from its place to mess around with the vampires hair, which comes out in waves as you remove the braid. you mess around with the top, spreading his hair around his shoulders as you think of what you want to do with it.

"look at me for a second?" you request, thinking hard on what kind of hairstyle would look alright if you take his messy bangs into account.

the vampire turns around rather quickly, his loose strands of hair swinging around as he turns to face you, an eager expression plastered onto his face. his face is pretty close when he leans towards you, offering you a smile. "why?"

you use your hand to push him away, rolling your eyes with an obnoxious scoff. "so i can see which hairstyle will make me the least sickened by your disgusting face, obviously. i thought you were at least smart enough to figure that out." crowley tilts his head, and pushes back against your hand.

"but chess and horn think my face is quite nice, are you sure your analysis is correct?" he asks, feigning a frown which quickly breaks, and he snickers against your palm.

you ignore his comment, using all of your strength to shove the vampire back, knowing he isn't really trying too hard. though that's probably because he's aware he could hurt you.

"can you fuck off? i'm just trying to fix your fucking hair." you snap, pointing for him to turn back around.

sure, maybe the vampire looks sort of good with his hair out of the damn braid, but that doesn't mean anything. there's a bunch of better looking people who aren't brutal, crazy vampires who live only to serve themselves.

you curse at yourself, and focus back on the task at hand. you don't need these thoughts, so you'll ignore them.

you start with a high ponytail, which is a little longer than you had initially thought that it would be, and can nearly rest on his shoulder.

surprisingly, it looks quite nice, and highlights the sharp features of his face nicely. you hadn't really expected such a simple style would bring out the depth of his face so well.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now