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the ice was lowering the swelling in your wrist, though it still aches semi painfully as you continue to rest on the couch. crowley sits at the desk across the room, sorting through a pile of papers resting on the wooden table.

though you're in the same room, barely fifteen feet apart and crowley knows you've barely moved an inch since the two of you returned from getting ice, he keeps on glancing at you out of the corner of his eyes.

each time you feel his icy gaze resting on you you pretend not to notice. instead continuing to stare up at the blank ceiling, wondering where your friends are now.

"if your wrist is feeling any better, you're welcome to shower now. you must feel dirty, am i wrong?" crowleys smile tugged at the corners of his lips, the tone of his voice paired with his offer sending an intense shiver down your spine. you do not want to hear things like that from an enemy. no matter how attractive they may be.

"no." you state firmly, continuing to hold the ice over your wrist. its cold, and your wrist has nearly gone numb now, but you're just glad it doesn't hurt anymore.

"how come? you can't stay in those dirty clothes." crowley insists, setting the paperwork in his hands down onto the desk. he rests his hand behind his head, leaning back and putting his feet up onto his table.

you observe his movements carefully, your eyes narrowing suspiciously at the vampire. "i said no."

crowley tilts his head, his small smile still resting on his lips when he speaks again. "i wasn't asking. you need to change."

you grit your teeth and say nothing, tightening your grip around the cloth wrapped ice in your hand.

"come." he says, waving you over with his index finger. you stare at him from your place on the lovey, comfortable white couch. you don't move.

your glaring becomes a wide eyed gasp when crowley disappears from his spinny chair, the seat swiveling with the speed of him jumping out of the chair so fast. the vampire is beside you in a second, his amused grin playing at his lips as he leans over you threateningly. you've put yourself in a bad spot, but now that you have you refuse to be afraid.

"you should just go for a shower." he advises, his fangs showing as he speaks. the sharp canines appearing darkened when covered by the shadow of crowleys broad shoulder. "i'm sure things will be much worse for you if you decide not to right now. i guess i'm sort of thirsty after all."

you can feel the sinking feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, just like you always get whenever you remember the feeling of crowley's fangs buried in your neck, and the way your blood dripped off his lips and teeth when he smiled at you afterwards. it's a strange kind of feeling you get when you remember it, but it sure is uncomfortable.

you inhale sharply, raising a fist to push weakly against the vampires chest. not in an attempt to push him away, you know you don't have nearly enough physical strength to do that. it's to let him know not to get any closer, in case he decides to listen to any such indication of warning to back off,though you know already try it it's unlikely. the vampire will do whatever he pleases, you know that. yet you still choose to present him with resistance, hopi he'll decide to back off.

"so you'll go?" he asks, his smirking becoming a strangely puppy like lopsided smile, a fang poking out when you nod. he leans back, kneeling at the end of couch as you prop yourself up on your elbows, glaring harshly at the vampire.

"not cool." you say, throwing your legs over the side of the couch and standing up, waiting for crowley to give you instruction on what to do and where to go.

the weird smile stayed plastered on the vampires face as he stands up too, making his way to the door.

he leads you down more hallways until you reach a fairly big bathroom, and you're a little confused as to why there would be such grand washrooms at a town hall, especially one with a shower. that fact suddenly occurs to you as you glance around the room. the walls are dark grey, and the sinks are white marble. the flooring is a pristine white tile.

crowley pulls open a tall cabinet, revealing a bunch of different colored towels. there's all sort of soaps and shampoos on the top shelf, and he gestures for you to choose.

your eyes dart back and forth across the many choices, but you settle on a nice looking red bottle. it doesn't look like the most expensive or the best, but it's a pretty looking bottle so you pull it from the shelf. you grab a purple towel, and turn to crowley, staring at him expectantly.

crowley frowns, tilting his head to the side and pretending not to understand what the look was for.

he hums quietly, just loud enough for you to hear to the soft sound. "hm, you don't look too pleased. is it something i've done?"

you narrow your eyes further at the jokester vampire, pushing against his chest with your hand, of course it's completely ineffective against the walking condensed transport truck with the might of half an army.

"more like something you're not doing." you mumble, drawing your eyebrows together in irritation as you push him away, but to no avail.

"oh, but i just wanted to tell you how nice it is of you to want to use my shampoo." he teases, leaning in close to tell you that special piece of information. he pulls away abruptly. "well, i'll let you shower. i'll bring you a change of clothes." he grins, turning away from you and closing the door with a wave.

you turn to the mirror, running a hand through your h/c locks as you sigh. your strange situation seems only to be getting more strange, and you have no idea how to combat such nonsense besides going with it until you're able to find an opening of escape.

though it's going to be tough, you must do what you can to survive until you're able to escape, hopefully with the lieutenant colonel.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now