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some time has gone by since you'd initially started reading for real, and crowley has yet to say a single word to you, though he's moved around quite a lot.

honestly, you're convinced he's been getting a little closer each time he's shifted or changed positions. but then again, he hadn't ever left much space between the two of you anyway.

you were honestly just getting more and more irritated by the lack of space between yourself and the vampire, and you clench you're teeth in an attempt to calm down your bubbling anger. the proximity makes you a little bit anxious, and for good reason. the vampires are your enemy, it is not normal or okay to sit here and do nothing while he acts like it's a normal day. it only frustrated you further knowing that you have no choice in the matter right now. all you can do is wait patiently, (which you've never been good at) and hope that an opportunity to escape presents itself.

i miss my friends

your heart aches to see the faces of your comrades again, and even shinya and naromi. you've already asked crowley about guren many times over the span of the six days you've been here. yet, each time you asked, you only got the same response.

"the lieutenant colonel found himself unable to do the right thing for anyone. but he is still alive."

those words have been bugging you, but no matter how much you prod for an elaboration on those discomforting words, crowley refuses to offer you one. usually he just tells you that there's nothing more to say, or that the rest of the story will only upset you. you hope that he's only trying to scare you. you pretend that it's not working.

after a while you feel the vampire shift beside you once more, and the fabric of his white pant leg brushing your bare thigh as it now rests beside it. your anger only grows as crowley leans back, raising his head to gaze at you curiously while you ignore his movements.

crowley is very patient most of the time, and the only time he seems to run out of such patience is when you start a one sided screaming match. you haven't started one yet today, but you're very close now. you know crowley is only trying to irritate you, and the fact that it's working is even more annoying, and that fact alone makes you want to rip the vampires face clean off.

"hey." the vampire hisses into your ear quietly. his book now rests on the cushion beside him, the corner of the page he was reading folded down to keep place of where he left off.

stubbornly, you continue to skim over the words on the fragile paper pages. you take in the literature as you try to become so enthralled in the story that it drowns out crowleys voice entirely.

"we should play a game..." crowley suggests, trailing off with a thoughtful tone. he hums quietly as he thinks about some kind of game to play, allowing you to be ignorant of his words for the time being.

you flip through pages idly as they get boring, searching for pages where the content picks up again, bringing back the interest you'd felt when you first opened the book.

the vampires head falls onto the back of the couch, and he glances over at you lazily as you stare down at the words you're scanning.

"i can't think of a game. can you?" he questions, reaching out a gloved hand tugg gently at a strand of hair in front of your face. you continue on with your blank responses, offering no type of expression in return to his demands for your attention. "we don't have to play a game, you can just read aloud. i'll listen."

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now