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just as he said he would, crowley finds you food that you can eat. of course, that's after sending chess out to get it for you. she comes back with some kind of food you haven't seen before, but it both looks and smells pretty good after it's cooked properly.

you're given a glass of water and cutlery after crowley places your plate in front of you, giving you a small smile. "i don't know how good it'll be since chess made it. to be honest i think horn might have done it better." he laughs, glancing back at the purple haired vampire who pouts.

"i did my best, okay!" she whines, her red eyes narrowing as her gaze rests on you. you shrug at her, your uncaring attitude making the girl pout more.

"lord crowley, why don't we just kill her? is she really that important? you're treating her like a guest! not a prisoner." chess whines pathetically, earning no attention from crowley. he ignores her, opting to instead, watch you as you eat, as if he can't both respond and stare at you at the same time.

you pretend that you don't hear chess' question, or at least that you don't care. you simply continue with your task, finishing this food and the whole glass of water as fast as you can without getting the hiccups.

finally, chess heaves our a sigh, he shoulders dropping in defeat. "okay, lord crowley. i'll leave it as it is. i just don't want anyone to get into trouble." you try not to laugh at the vampires display of concern for crowley. it's not supposed to be funny, but it is.

"it's quite alright chess. i understand your concern, but i assure you it'll be fine. i've spoken with ferid." crowley informa chess, as if that one small piece of information is supposed to put everything into perspective.

you finish your food, placing the fork back onto the plate and finishing the rest of the water quickly. you lean back in your chair, raising an eyebrow at crowley in suspicion.

"i trust you lord crowley. i'll go now." chess turns away, hurrying out of the room. you're confused at her willingness to accept such a bland answer. you can't believe the vampires talk about humans having blind loyalty when she's barely getting an explanation for crowley putting her life in danger too. after all, she's technically doing the same as crowley.

crowley looks back at you once chess has left, taking your empty plate and glass from the table. "we should go back upstairs. we still need to have that discussion."

you tilt your head, frowning at the mention of this apparent talk you're going to have. you're sure it's not going to be about anything you'll want to hear.

either way, you don't care. there's not much you can do right now besides listen. you shrug, opting for the path of least resistance for the time being.

crowley smiles, beckoning for you to follow him back upstairs.

once you're inside the familiar room which you've spent nearly all day trapped inside, you turn to crowley. "what do you want to talk about?" you ask, placing your hands on your hips.

"i'll tell you..." the vampire trails off, braising your hair out of your face and off your shoulder. "but my fang marks are gone, and i don't like that others cannot see that you're mine." crowley's voice is laced with a hint of aggression. the harshness of his time sending a shiver down your spine as you take a step back.

"i don't belong to you." you remind him harshly, reaching a hand up to cover your neck. you grimace. "i don't belong to anyone."

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now