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crowley craned his neck to get a better look at your face. "can't you speak? don't tell me i hurt you so badly?" he questions, the concern in in his voice catching you off guard, but quickly making you angry. you turn your head away, but you instantaneously regret the decision. you glance at all your friends, all the looks of pain on their faces as they're fed on by the vampires.

you shift and squirm, newfound determination to save your friends rising inside of you, a new fire, no- inferno blazing inside of you. the desire to save your family taking over quickly, and your rage bubbles to the surface. forget tears, forget the fear of not being able to save them in time. you needed to help them, even if it killed you. though no matter how hard you tried you could not get out of crowley's hold. his grip was vice like, bruising, but you continued to move.

you watched shinoa's eyes flutter closed, and desperation rang through your voice as you screamed, startling crowley as you shrieked, tears finally coming as you watched your friends around you suffer.

crowley huffed, sinking his teeth back into your neck to shut you up. you continued to sob quietly, no longer having the strength to hold yourself up.

your head snapped up at the sound of someone else's screaming. yuu. you watched in horror as your friend sprouted some disgusting form of wings from his back. he screamed out in agony, clawing at his face desperately in an attempt to make the pain stop. the vampires holding your friends slowly released them as they stared up at yuu, and you breathed a sigh of relief at that fact. though crowley did not let you go. he merely mumbled about something being strange, and took a step back, you being dragged along with him. he held you up, a task like that easy for such a being.

you felt your anxiety grow further, yuu was transforming, and you didn't understand what was happening to him. your tears continued to fall as you watched him helplessly.

"you don't have to cry, tears won't do you any good." crowley insisted, his amused smile becoming a thin line as he pressed his lips together.

you lower your head, refusing to watch yuu as he began his rampage, rambling on and on about sinners, it's only when you see shinoa stir beside your that you raise your head, making eye contact with her after she's noticed yuu. she gives you a look, something caught between fear and pity.

she frowns at your tears, her eyes watering to the brim just as much as yours.

she stands up, looking to guren who's shouting over the noise of yuu's thoughtless rampage. you glare, he looks so excited to see yuu in such a state, in enrages you, and you suddenly have no tears left to cry, your emotional state swinging left and right.

yuu, no!" you scream, finding the strength in your legs and attempting to pull yourself out of crowley's grasp again. intent on doing something about yuu's actions as he raises his sword to shinoa, you gasp, watching the blond vampire step out in front of shinoa, protecting her from the wrath of her  friend.

"you- why did you?" shinoa stutters, sitting up, staring in horror as the vampire bleeds before her.

"because he would never forgive himself if he hurt you." the vampire coughed, spluttering up blood onto the pavement.

"shinoa! only you can stop this!" guren shouts, reminding you of your rage towards the man and his excessive happiness towards yuu's unconscious destruction.

shinoa jumps up, hesitating for a second, before running towards yuu, throwing herself at him in a hug. she speaks to him quietly, you could not hear what she was saying to him, but whatever it was seemed to be working. yuu's eyes went back to normal, and his wing like appendages on his back disappeared. for a second you thought he was fine, but a moment later he face planted, falling into shinoa's arms.

a purple haired vampire begins to speak to guren, grabbing his head in his hands. you can't hear anything over kamizuki and yoichi's desperate yellingas they try to get to you.

"no, this was just the distraction. and we've done a very good job." guren smirks, and not a moment later smoke surrounds you, and arrows begin flying, landing all around you. so much so, that crowley growls, a reluctant anger taking over his voice as he's forced to let you go, tossing you away to keep you out of the way of the flying arrows. you scramble to grab your coin off of the ground, sprinting to join shinoa, who's sitting on the ground, holding yuu's head in her lap.

"y/n! i'm sorry! i should've come to get you!" she cries, grabbing your face in her hands when you flop down beside her, winded. you're exhausted, not from physical exertion, but the emotional stress of everything that's happened. although you're very good at handling your emotions, today was just too much.

"no!" you exclaim, placing your own hands atop hers, sighing in relief at the warmth her hands bring you. "you had to save yuu, or we all would've died either way. i'm fine now."

shinoa's eyes begin to water again, but she nods. you run a hand through your hair before covering the fang wounds with your h/c locks.

you glance up, finding a certain noble standing with his two follower girls atop a building, staring down at the scene below, and presumably you.

"i'm glad we're all okay." you sigh as kimizuki and yoichi finally reach your side.

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