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your axe had killed so many vampires in the last hour that you couldn't even begin to count, although you did want to know. you were simply a little curious.

you continue taking down opponent after opponent, each one falling victim to your wrath as the battle wears on. you're a little fatigued, but you press on, you will not ever give up. the lives of both you and your comrades are on the line at every moment. that means something to you, and you could never let any of them die when you're supposed to have their backs. you already know that they have yours.

the vampires have killed many of the moon demon company's soldiers in this battle so far, and you find yourself stepping around many corpses of people you've fought alongside before. many people who fought for the same cause you do. you silently pay your respects as you continue to attack, sighing internally at all the death and carnage that's happening around you. you remind yourself that you're fighting for both survival, and freedom for all those trapped in the vampires territory, being used as livestock, blood-bags, and entertainment for the undead monsters that held them captive.

you demand their freedom, and you plan to fight until your very last breath to get it for them. you desire to make a difference in this world. the kind of difference that makes the world a better place, and allows people to live happily amongst each other. if that means wiping out every single one of the vampires that exist, then so be it, you would wipe out every single one of them.

shinoa, are you okay?" you ask once you've finally found the purple haired again, who's fighting off two bloodsuckers at once. "let me help you out."

"i'm fine, y/n. thank you." she grins, though she keeps her eyes trained exclusively on her enemy.

you take on the second vampire, swiping your axe at his legs as you duck to miss a quick swipe of his sword. as the vamp falls, you swing down, lodging your axe into his back, and watching him burn, the horrid smell of vampiric ash filling your nostrils, but you keep a straight face, taking a breather with shinoa while you can.

"where's yuu?" you ask, the brunette boy being the only one of your friends you'd lost attack of in the heat of the moment, taking down vampires.

shinoa points up, yuu is standing on the top of an abandoned gas station, that same blond vampire standing up there with him. yuu didn't look threatened, he would be attacking by now. you know that much.

"i think that boy is yuu's family." shinoa concludes, a sad smile on her face. "i can't imagine how he's feeling right now."

you nod, understanding grasping at you as you find yourself feeling so much sympathy for both yuu and his family. "i hope they're okay."

it's shinoa's turn to nod, and then she gives you a serious look, something about her expression catching you off guard. "y/n."

you blink at her, humming for her to continue. shinoa grabs your shoulders roughly, but not enough to cause discomfort. "what?"

"that noble is here now, i don't want you to leave me, okay?" she's so serious you can't help but agree, slowly nodding your head. shinoa lets out a sigh of relief, her grip on your shoulders loosening. you realize how anxious she has really been about you running off.

"it's going to be okay, shinoa." you assure her, squeezing her outstretched forearm. "trust me."

shinoa nods slowly, a thankful smile crossing her lips. she releases you, turning back to the fight.

"he's over there somewhere, so we're going to try and stay over here, okay?" she unleashes her scythe, hoisting it up as she prepares to fight again.

you follow shinoa, rushing back into the heat of battle and attacking any bloodsucker in your path. you were beginning to notice certain patterns in some of their attacks and tactics, and you memorize what you can. you plan to use every little detail you can to win, no matter what.

it's not long before you can see kimizuki, his impressive skills being put to good use as he takes down all in his path. very few of them put up a serious fight against him. he seems relieved when he catches sight of you and shinoa, but his relief doesn't last long, and a moment later his eyes go wide with panic.

"y/n! shinoa!" he shouts, desperation lacing his voice, waves his arms wildly, gesturing for you to move quickly.

"what-" you're cut off as shinoa pulls you to the side, just barely missing a gloved hand that had reached for you only a moment earlier. you glance up to catch sight of the owner. red and brown hair whizzes past your eyes, and before a second has passed, the vampire has grabbed you by the back of the neck. crowley catches your wrist, forcing you to drop your axe as he twists, and it falls noisily onto the concrete, becoming once again, the golden coin.

you let out a shout as two other vampires catch both kimizuki and shinoa, holding them captive against the pavement.

you can feel crowleys breath against the side of your face, and the way your back is pressed up against his torso. you can perfectly imagine the devilish smirk that's on his face, and the self pride he must be feeling at winning this sick game of hide and seek. 

crowley lets out a particularly long exhale, before inhaling again deeply. "i told you we'd see each other again." he smirks, his grip on your wrist tightening. his other hand moves to brush away the hair from the side of your neck, exposing your porcelain skin. you squirm in his grasp, any attempts at escaping his hold futile, and he lowers his hand to catch you by the waist.

"am i supposed to say thank you?" you hiss, turning your head to glare angrily at the noble. "oh, thank you lord crowley, i'm so happy for the honor of seeing you again. twice in one day!" you mock, your eyes narrowing even further as he chuckles, his grip on your hip becoming a little painful, though you refuse to show it.

"you're quite amusing, i knew we would get along." he admits, sighing into the space where your shoulder meets your neck. "i wonder, do you taste as lovely as you smell?"

before you can come up with a single nasty comment to respond with, his sharp fangs have sunk into your flesh, a sharp pain blooming where he's bitten you. you gasp, inhaling sharply at the discomfort.

"you're going to be all mine, i promise you that." he hisses into your skin, the sharp fangs grazing your skin again before they sink back in. though it hurts, you would not allow him the satisfaction of making noise.

he continued to take blood from you, and the pain grows more bearable as you become used to it, becoming merely a dull ache. you blink away your tears, you will not let hopelessness full you just yet.

after a moment, the vampire raises his head again, giving you an open-mouthed grin, showing off his fangs, which are covered in blood- your blood.

"oh yes, you do taste lovely. i almost want to drain you of every last drop." his words make your blood run cold, and the hair on the back of your neck stand up. crowley lets out another amused chuckle. "but i can't do that. i said you'd be all mine, didn't i? you're not going to be just a one time use."

that statement did not make you feel any better. in fact, you quite preferred the first option compared to the latter.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now