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"are you guys okay?" you hear yuu shout, his voice echoing faintly throughout the subway tunnels.

"we're fine!" kimizuki yells back, looking at you and yoichi for your confirmation, to which the both of you nodded.

"can you guys get out?"

you turn to look behind you, giving a second affirmative nod at kamizuki. "yeah!" you yell back.

"then go, we'll meet you at the front lines!" you hear shinoa's voice, a sigh of relief escaping your lips.

"are you sure?" you ask, not wanting to abandon your comrades on the other side of the debris barricade.

"yes, go!" she assures you, and you listen for the last of the echoes of her voice to disappear before you turn to your other two teammates.

"let's head out, there's no use worrying for them, they can handle themselves." you assure your friends, beginning the long walk out of the subway tunnels in silence, with kimizuki and yoichi following along behind you.


you finally reached one of the few medical bases that had been set up, and were told by a couple of the soldiers there that shinjuku central park needed more people there.

so that's where the three of you headed next, a small detour on the way to the front lines, where the real fight would begin.

"get ready, the park is just up ahead." you toss your black coin up in front of you, releasing it as the coin, and catching it as an axe. you twirl it in your hands, checking behind you for your teammates to be prepared.

"i'm ready." kimizuki assures you, a determined edge to his voice reminding you a little bit of yuichiro.

yoichi nodded, the smile on his face that of a man with a certain goal. "i'm ready too."

you smile, patting yoichi on the head. "let's do this then. i'm sure i can kill the most vampires out of all of us." you challenge, sparking competition between yourself and your friends, you wanted to motivate them.

"a competition? you're on." kimizuki grinned devilishly, his confidence in his abilities growing at the prospect of a new challenge.

"i'll do my best." yoichi tells you, just as you reach the park.

there were a bunch of low level vampires, nothing the three of you couldn't handle by yourselves. you jumped into immediate action, swinging your axe to the side and cutting a young looking brunette fang in half, not waiting to watch the body burn before moving onto your next target.

you swing your axe countless times, hitting and missing, both defending and offending as the battle wore on. you were growing tired, but you asked your demon for just a little more of her strength, to which she agreed.

you swung again, there were only a few left, you were almost able to rest.

but before your sword can cut through even the materiel of the vampires clothing, it's burning to ash. you glance up to see shinoa standing before you, scythe in hand as she fixes you with a happy smile.

"you're here!" you exclaim happily, throwing your arms around her neck in a hug. you were happy to know they made it to you, even if it's not where you said you'd meet.

"where are the rest of the vampires?!" you hear yuu's voice ring out, irritation lacing his tone. you laugh.

"uh-that was the last one." kimizuki informs him, shrugging his shoulders as he sheaths his swords.

you sigh, a content smile resting in your lips. "i am so glad you guys are here. now we can all make it to the front lines together."

everyone nods, each holding their own various expressions of happiness and satisfaction.

"we're gonna kick serious demon ass." yuu declares, sheathing his own sword. you follow, sheathing your axe.

with those words, the five of you set off to the front lines of shinjuku's battle, which is currently going on without you.

"hey, but who won the competition?" kimizuki questions, stopping in his tracks to stare at you with challenging eyes. "it was me, wasn't it?"

"i didn't actually keep count, sorry guys." yoichi frowns, tilting his head sadly. he looks at you hopefully, expecting you to know.

you shrug, mentally cursing for forgetting about your bet. after all, you made it for crying out loud. "sorry guys, i forgot about it too."

kimizuki groans, scrubbing a hand over his face and sulking. "damn, what a waste of a perfectly good win."

your eyes widened, and you turned to the boy sharply. "i would bet that you didn't win." you state, crossing your arms and letting out a 'hmph'.

yoichi stepped between the two of you. "now now, it doesn't matter. we don't know for sure either way." he reminds the two of you, making an attempt at diffusing the situation. he's so cute.

"what competition?" shinoa questions, looking to yuu, who shrugs.

"i cant believe i missed the chance to kick both of your asses!" he whines, making everyone turn to stare at him instead. at once, all of you began to laugh.

"there will be plenty of time to make new bets, especially if it's out on the battlefield." shinoa. reminds you, placing a hand on both you and kinizuki's shoulders. "don't get so bent out of shape and lets head out!"

everyone nodded, beginning to chatter and talk about things as you all made your way to the front lines. you were ready to fight for humanity.


the first thing you saw on the battle field was guren. and not a good sight of him. he was in rough shape, bleeding everywhere and still with two nobles right on him.

"shinoa!" you shouted, expecting instruction from the squad leader, or you and yuu would jump into the action without any sort of go ahead.

"get into formation, we have to help him." shinoa's instructions were simple and straight forward, and the five of you fell into your places as you advanced.

you took the left with shinoa, and took down a few of the straggling lower ranks that were in your way. yuu went straight for the blond vampire, who was preparing to kill the lieutenant colonel.

yuu struck out, his sword piercing straight through the vampire, blood splattering everywhere. you immediately noticed the wide eyed expression on yuu's face, the horror that took him over.

you ran forward, only to be stopped by another few vampires. you took them down one by one, swinging your axe in calculated strikes until each one dropped at your feet, reducing to nothing but a pile of ash and clothing.

"yuu! activate the curse!" guren yells, anger seeding through his words, but yuu does not comply with that command. he does not move.

"yuu!" you shout, an attempt at drawing the boys attention to you. yuu's mouth moves. it seems he's speaking to vampire before him.

"y/n!" shinoa exclaims, jumping in front of you as another vampire lunges towards you, a sword in hand.

she fends it off, backing it up until it has nowhere to go, and successfully cut it through.

"are you okay?" she asks, turning to you with a concerned expression. you nod softly, looking back towards yuu.

"that's what i'd like to know about him." you sigh, watching guren grab yuu, attempting to kill the vampire himself.

shinoa gasps as another noble stops guren's attack, saving the blond vampire from death.

the battle goes on and more and more vampires show up, shinoa's whole squad being split up due to the sheer amount of them. there's not many other soldiers around to help fight, but whoever is doe heir best against the vampires, slowly dwindling down their numbers. everyone has the same question on their mind.

is it enough?

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