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A/N: feel free to imagine differently, but this is what gave me the inspiration for the outfit :) you can just ignore it completely if you'd like

you're feeling much better after a hot shower, you reach for your purple towel which you'd left on the corner of a small table which had a little bottle of hand sanitizer resting on it. after successfully drying yourself off and wrapping the towel around yourself securely you looked around for the clothes crowley said he'd bring you.

you frowned, there's nothing except a black dress, longer lace tresses falling at the back as you picked up the fabric in your hands. you examine the outfit, scowling at the dress.

you put it on, the weird corset-like body of the dress is a little tight, but it fits you pretty well. it accentuates your curves nicely, and you feel a little satisfied at the way it fits your form.

either way, you still sort of wish you could just continue to wear your uniform.

you tuck your damp hair behind your ears, and pull the thigh high socks up a little higher. you take a deep breath. you can't stay in the bathroom forever, can you? perhaps you'll be able to slip away unnoticed, though that's probably not the case.

you slowly open the door, looking around the doorframe and out into the hallway. to your disappointment, but definitely not surprise, crowley is standing at the end of the hallway, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

you step out into the hallway, your socked feet making no noise against the stone floor. you know he knows you're in front of him, but he chooses not to move.

you say nothing, if the vampire doesn't want to talk then you're more than happy not to talk to him.

you stand beside him, mirroring his position, but you don't close your eyes. though you're tired you know you need to be on your guard.

finally, crowley speaks up, but still his eyes are closed and he does not change position. "i have to leave, so horn is going to stay with you.i can't trust chess enough to not kill you."he lets a small smile tug at the corners of lips, you don't understand what's so amusing, but you don't question it.

crowley opens his eyes, his red hues resting on you without much interest, but then his smile begins to grow wider.

he lets out a breathy laugh, reaching for your arms. he takes extra care with your injured arm, slowly prying them away from your chest so he can examine your figure in the black dress he's picked out for you.

his satisfied expression irritates you, but you do nothing, allowing his eyes to roam over you as he takes in the sight of you.

"i knew it, this is your style." he sighs contentedly, his light grasp on your arms weakening even further before he lets you go completely, allowing your arms to fall back at your sides.

you huff, turning away from the vampire and crossing your arms once more. "you don't know my style." you tell him, your tone a little irritated.

"geez, i just meant this dress suits you well. you don't have to get so angry." he chuckles, walking past you with an expectant wave. you follow with a frustrated huff.

you were lead back to the same room you'd been in before, the comfy white leather couch calling your name as you step into the room. it's practically begging you to take a nap, but you mustn't. in situations like this it's imperative to remain aware of what's going on around you, and you intend to stay aware.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now