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crowleys grip is strong as he drags you through the long hallways of the building. his hold on your wrist is creating a stinging pain in the bone, but it seems crowley isn't comprehending his own strength.

"let go." you hiss, trying to tug your wrist away from the noble as he wordlessly stops at a door, ignoring your words as he pushes it open.

the interior of the room is much like the other rooms you'd passed that had their doors open. it's much like an office, and there is a nice looking couch in the corner and a couple of first aid kits are sat on a shelf at the back.

crowley tugs you over to the couch, but to your genuine surprise he gently pushes you down onto the cushions. as soon as you're seated he turns away from you, strolling over to the shelves at the back of the room.

besides first aid kits, there's not much else up there. crowley pulls one of the kits off of the shelf, and makes his way back over to you. he kneels in front of you, but doesn't make eye contact, instead opening the first aid kit and placing it beside you.

"where are you bleeding?" he asks, examining your dirty and somewhat distressed uniform. you jerk away from the vampire as he raises his hand to reach for your sleeve, probably to examine the severe bruising.

"don't touch." you hiss, leaning away from the vampire as he tilts his head the ghost of a smile on his lips.

"you don't really have the strength to stop me without your weapon." he states, as if that fact isn't obvious enough already. you cradle your sore arm, refusing to let him see the damage his comrades caused.

"show me." he insists, though his voice is not harsh. you shake your head, biting your tongue to stop from responding in a way that could make him lose his temper.

you remain quiet, your hard glare fixed on the stone floor beneath your shoes, which is covered by an ugly patterned carpet.

crowley grabs your good arm, yanking it away from the damaged one. seems he's run out of patience so quickly. your head snaps towards his grip, which unusually, isn't painful at all.

he exchanges his hold on your good arm to your injured one, pushing up your sleeve which causes you to wince almost unnoticeably.

just as you thought there's an angry purple and black bruise, which is swollen over the entirety of your wrist. man does it sting.

crowley frowns down at the injury. "oh." he says. you ignore him, staring down at the bruise with distaste. you can't do anything with a bruise like that.

"would you like ice?" crowleys cool voice questions, and he glances up at you, an unfamiliar expression on his handsome face, turning his features into a frustrated expression.

you silently question the question itself, but you know that it's be stupid to refuse the offer when your arm is so swollen and sore. slowly, you nod.

crowley pulls a few things out of the first aid kit, and you're pretty sure there isn't ice in there.

"i'll get you ice once i patch up the other stuff." he states, rolling your other sleeve up to check that arm for any cuts or bruising.

you shake your head, scooting away a little more. "i'm fine." you insist, narrowing your eyes at crowleys offending hands.

the vampire ignores you, unfazed by your assurance. "shut up. take your shirt off." he instructs, reaching for the top button on the front of your uniform top. you hiss, swatting away his hands as they attempt to grab at your collar.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now