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you follow behind naromi and yuu, racing towards the vampire noble who stands at the other side of the park.

yuu is talking to naromi, about which you assume is who's going to attack first. you just know yuu is going to want to get in the first hit.

you follow your current path, heading straight for the target vampire, even as yoichi and shinya's shots land right in front of your group. each shot hits the lower ranking vampires perfectly, getting them all out of your way as they perish.

you stop behind sargeant naromi, watching over his shoulder as the vampire unsheathes his sword, yuu following suit.

"the livestock are attacking." wesker says, deadpan. "how pathetic."

yuu is calm at the comment, offering the noble a determined grin. "i'll show you who's pathetic. i have to admit, i can't wait to take your head."

yuu and kimizuki take turns facing off against the noble, who easily dodges each strike, his face remaining stoic as he pivots to dodge.

just as shinoa jumps into the action, swinging her scythe around behind the vampire, he's caught it between his index and middle finger, and his thumb. he grabs the blade of shinoa's scythe, swinging it around and tossing her aside as she holds onto her weapon.

you grit your teeth, running straight into the fight, you swing your axe at the vampire, but he pivots to dodge, throwing up sword to defend when you spin around to strike again. he raises an eyebrow.

"you cannot win." he states plainly, staring you down with ferocious intensity. you narrow your eyes. you will not let anxiety take over, you have a job to do.

"try me!" you shout, adding your other hand to your grip on your axe handle. you jump back, only to turn and swing to the side, but it's no use. the vampire grabs the part of the hilt where the handle meets the blade, and he easily tosses you aside as well.

"that's it." kimizuki growls, running out in front of you and towards the noble. "die bloodsucker!"

kimizuki's strikes are quick and hard, but the vampire is just a little bit faster, and he knocks one of kimizuki's blades out of his hands.

the vampire does not get the chance to strike your pink haired friend down. two members of naromi's squad pierce through his back, calling to the blue haired man to apprehend him.

see red chains wind themselves around the vampires wrist, and no matter how hard he tries, he cannot pull free.

you grin. you've got him on the ropes.

you rush forward, along with yuu and naromi, who shout things to the team that you don't pick up. you're so full of adrenaline. the rush of killing your enemies going to straight to your head, blocking out everything besides that of strategic value.

the noble scowls, raising his sword. he swings it down, slicing off his own right arm. in an instant he's disappeared, appearing again a second later at safer distance from your group.

you set your jaw, coming to a halt beside your comrades.

"overestimating yourselves as usual." he comments, his dead expression returning to his face as he speaks.

"cover his escape! we can't let him join up with the other nobles." shinoa instructs, holding her scythe at the ready.

naromi disagrees, readying his trident as well. "everyone maintain the formation, stick to our strategy and we'll take him as a unit." naromi's command clashes with shinoa's, but nobody can really refuse.

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