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the sun pouring through the curtain-less window wakes you gently, coaxing you out of sleep as you blink and rub your eyes tiredly.

the vampire beside you is already wide awake, lying on his side staring at you when you roll over to find out if he's still in bed.

crowley's seemingly natural smirk rests on his lips as per usual, and he reaches out to wrap a strand of your hair around his finger. "i think i like seeing you in my bed." he teases honestly, messing around with the strand of hair.

you snort, taking in the red shirt the vampire's wearing, raising an eyebrow at his never before seen attire. you realize now he had left last night to change. you find yourself thinking about how strangely cute that would be if he weren't your enemy. you shake your head to clear you'd head of the thought.

"i think you should make me breakfast today." you suggest to the vampire, who raises an eyebrow in return to your thought.

he sighs, shrugging. "i could try."

you grin lazily, dropping your head back onto the pillows. "i want pancakes."

crowley blanches, shaking his head. "i don't think i can make pancakes."

your teasing grin drops, and you feign a pout. "then let me make pancakes. they happen to be my specialty."

crowley nods contemplatively, before shrugging, offering you a like of 'why not'.

"great!" you grin, jumping out of bed quickly, wasting no time in making your way to the door.

"now?" crowley groans, flopping back down onto the mattress.

you raise an eyebrow, a question entering your mind as you watch crowley complain.

"do you ever take that stupid braid out of your hair?" you ask, leaning back against the closed door as you speak.

crowley looks mildly offended at your question, but shrugs. "i do, but usually only when i shower." he shrugs, propping himself up on his elbows as he responds. "why? it doesn't look dumb, does it?"

you snort again, covering your mouth with your hand in an attempt to stifle the sound. you shake your head. "it's not that bad. it's just-you never change it. it's the same stupid braid every day."

"i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." crowley states, finally getting out of bed. "and i guess we can get you breakfast now."

you nod, waiting for the sweatpants and dark red t-shirt clad vampire to follow you out into the hallway.


you clean up the kitchen as you go, putting together all the necessary ingredients for the pancakes you're making.

they smell good as you flip the first batch in the cast iron pan, giving yourself a self satisfied smile when you see that they're all perfectly golden brown, just like always.

"they're cute." crowley piped up from behind you, leaning over your shoulder as he watches you poke the top of a fluffy pancake.

"that's why i like them." you sigh happily, scooping out the pancakes and putting them onto a plate. "make the next ones." you instruct crowley, handing him the spatula and pouring more batter into the pan.

crowley gives you a look, but takes the spatula from your outstretched hand, turning to keep an eye in the batter as you drench the fresh pancakes in syrup.

bloodied arrogance || crowley eusfordWhere stories live. Discover now