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"from now on our mission is to keep the enemy distracted for as long as we possibly can." guren says, staring yuu in the eye so as to get his message across to the young soldier. yuu huffs in annoyance, but makes no such attempt to object. "which is why-"

shinya hiiragi steps up beside the lieutenant colonel, cutting him off and finishing his sentence for him. "we're going to see how they react to a little expert sniping. if they attack in force, we'll run. but if we see an opening we'll to save all of the hostages."

you tilt your head, so far the plan makes sense. the goal is to save the twenty five hostages. yet, in the case that's not possible without multiple casualties from the elites, aka us, we must leave them. it's a difficult decision on guren's part, you know that, but it's a decision that has to be made. losing the elites is something we cannot allow to happen. we need our strongest soldiers even if there is fewer. we're more likely to succeed in our next mission that way.

"best case scenario, we'll kill the nobles too." guren says, glancing around at each face that listened intently to his words.

shinya chuckles. "now you're dreaming. things never go that well."

guren narrows his eyes at his silver haired friend, who summons his cursed gear, preparing for his first part of the mission.

"why are you always such a pessimist?" guren scowls, an irritated tone to his voice.

shinya is unfazed by guren's tone, holding up gun in front of him. "come on, guren. i'm just telling it like it is. don't worry i'm still going to kill these guys. pick a sniping perch, yoichi." shinya instructs your soft hearted friend who nods, scrambling to get ready. "let's em show everyone what you've learned."

naromi begins instructing. his squad, just as shinoa turns to hers, facing your group with a determined look in her eyes.

"we're prepared, right?" she asks, the question was asked towards all of you, but she wanted to know each of you were ready.

"yeah!" yuu responds, his confidence high as ever.

you nod too, pulling your golden out of your pocket, holding it in your hand. "i'm ready." you say confidently, prepared for whatever it is that may come your way this upcoming mission.

shinoa nods back, and begins leading her squad to watch the shots that your two comrades are about to make.

yoichi gasps, staring through the scope of his bow as he holds it up at eye level. "i have eyes on a vampire! it's a noble. his back's to me, i don't think he's noticed us yet." he informs the group, readying an arrow and waiting for guren to give the okay.

"then take the damn shot!" guren shouts, his tone demanding as he leans forward. "now!"

yoichi mutters something to his demon, taking a deep breath. he releases the arrow on his exhale, and you watch intently as the green, bird-like arrow is released. it shoots forward, and you watch it become a tiny dot, until the force of it collides with a window on the town hall building. a massive hole is blown in the wall, and you watch figures emerge from the smoke.

they're too far to see, but you know that most likely, none of them were killed.

yoichi turns away from his view of the town hall. "sir, i failed to hit my target." he announces. you know it's not his fault.

"ordinarily even a noble wouldn't have been able to dodge a shot like that. which means..." shinya begins, drifting off at the end of his sentence.

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