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horn stands at the side of the room scowling for a very long time. her arms are crossed over her chest and her eyes stare down, right into the ugly carpet covering the stone floor.

while horn glares at nothing, you spend your time thinking. well, plotting is more accurate. you attempt to analyze everything you know so far. anything that could possibly assist in your escape. though even after hours of staring up at the bland ceiling, trying to use this time of silence to find even a fraction of a plan, your brain could not find an answer.

it seems as though you would not be leaving for a little while. not unless your friends come back for you. they have your weapon, don't they? you think you remember shinoa picking it up.

does it matter? what matters is they survive today, even if you're stuck here. all you want is for your friends, your family to be alright. all you need is the knowledge that they're safe. you'd be content with that.

you could feel your exhaustion trying to pull you into sleep, your body tired from so much thinking and so much energy wasted today. you fight the urge to sleep, you don't know when crowley will return and you don't want to be asleep when he comes back.


after four or five hours horn still has not budged an inch from her place, standing against the wall on the opposite side of the room. yet, you still have not moved from your place on the couch. you're getting seriously hungry, and you're sort of parched, both not mixing well with your fatigue. it makes you so frustrated that you can't do anything about it. of course, you could tell horn, but you're honestly not too sure that would go well.

she looks so irritated over nothing, it honestly concerns you. is she gonna snap at some point? she looks like she's going to snap- at any moment actually.

she seems to sense you staring because her head snaps up, she looks slightly less irritated than before, a strange emotion lingering behind her eyes as she watches you back, though you can't figure it out.

"you're staring." she states calmly, a contrast to the crease between her brows and the annoyed frown that rests upon her lips.

it's not like you don't realize what you're doing. you shrug, sitting up a bit. "yeah, whoops." your voice is sort of uninterested, but you hope it's clear that you don't mean to anger her further, though it does seem a little disrespectful. though, now that you think about it, she can't do anything to you. crowley has said as he was leaving that no one is to touch you, but you wonder how much it'll take before she abandons that one rule. do you want to risk it? it could have potentially catastrophic consequences for you, so you're against it, but it is a very tempting thought.

"you should be more respectful to lord crowley, he's risking his life to keep you here." she comments blankly, unfolding her arms and instead placing her hands on her hips.

"and what's that supposed to mean?" you ask, sitting up straight and turning to sit on the couch properly, facing the vampire fully.

horn sighs deeply, but elaborates just the same. "we're not supposed to have livestock here. if queen krul found out that lord crowley was helping the livestock, he would be put to death without question." horns explanation does not faze you. if anything you're happy with the explanation. you hope that crowley is found out and put to death. wether that means you die too or not. if that means one less powerful vampire to slay for your comrades, you'll gladly die to make it happen for them.

all you want is to see your friends survive and for humanity to be able to prosper again. you have so much loyalty to the moon demon company, and especially guren. in fact, you're only loyal to the company because guren is in it. of course, if guren were not in the moon demon company you would still stay to fight for humanity, but guren makes you want to fight harder. after all, he gave you a reason to live.

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