chapter one.

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Two years. It's been two years since I've been able to really fight and help anyone other than pull out a stool to reach a book on that absurdly tall bookshelf, (Y/n) thought as she pulled on her socks, leaning against the wall as she readjusted them before sitting on the toilet to pull on her shoes. I still can't believe Dazai actually came to the store to get me. I was thinking he'd call me or something and ask me to come in—not actually make an appearance!

She walked out of the store's bathroom, her bag hanging over her shoulder loosely as she readjusted her shirt. She had changed out of her uniform into more battle-friendly attire—at least compared to what she was wearing previously.

She wore a pair of black shorts, dark blue knee-high socks covering her bare legs and paired with black ankle boots. She also wore a dark blue long-sleeve—a similar shade to her socks. She wore a pair of black fingerless gloves—something she found to be quite useful in the two years she hadn't been working in the agency. She pulled her hair into an updo, readjusting it from the original hairstyle she had while working that day.

As her boots slightly clicked against the hardwood floor as she walked, rounding around one of the bookshelves as she spotted Dazai skimming through the books Hinami pulled out for him from the back—books about more technical aspects rather than antiques and older books like the Ripped Page originally intended to sell.

The two looked up from the books, spotting (Y/n) in her new attire. While Hinami seemed happy she was going back to a job she so visibly missed, it was clear that she was still sad her good friend was leaving to go do a job that could very possibly kill her. Dazai had a calm smile on his face, leaning against the counter as he looked her up and down.

"Not particularly what I'm into, but I still like the look," he stated as he pushed off the counter and stood on his own.

"What are you into then?" she retorted, walking over to the counter as Hinami assisted her in putting the books into her bag.

"I'm into something a bit more..." He leaned down, his lips mere centimeters from her ear as she placed the last book into her bag. He whispered in a low tone, tickling her skin, "...waterproof."

Of course he means my rain jacket and boots, she thought and internally rolled her eyes, her face still heating up from the sensation of his words brushing against her ear.

"We should get going, I'll give you the details on the way to the agency," Dazai stated as he began walking towards the door. "It was nice seeing you again, Miss Asagiri!"

"Good to see you again as well!" Hinami replied with a small wave.

(Y/n) stopped in front of the counter before continuing to follow Dazai, turning to her friend as she quietly said while pulling her in for a hug, "Thank you for everything. I'll keep in touch."

"You better," she replied, muffled as she dug her face into (Y/n)'s shoulder.

A minute passed with neither of them moving, Dazai having to be the one to ruin the moment as he coughed to gain their attention. (Y/n) cleared her throat as she pulled away, wiping her eyes as slight tears began to form.

Hinami did the same, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve. But before (Y/n) could go to Dazai to finally leave, she stopped her. "Hang on, I have something for you!"

(Y/n) quirked her brow, confused as to what Hinami would have for her at such an odd time. She reached under the counter, seeming to dig through a drawer that was hidden there and go through many papers and other knick knacks.

Finally, after apparently getting a paper cut or two in the process, Hinami finally pulled out a somewhat long and thin object and placed it on the counter. It was copper, a bit of rust and grime around it as it needed to be desperately cleaned—but it was still pretty as it had a floral and vine-type pattern on the handle.

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