chapter sixteen.

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(Y/n) stood in the damp space, stuffing her breathing device in her pocket as she tightly gripped onto the bright flashlight. She looked around the dome she had seemingly created, thoughts rushing through her head as she attempted to wrap her head around everything that was occurring.

Well, I think it's safe to say that this was created by my ability – but maybe not by Ryuji as I originally thought... she thought as she walked along the sand, her feet squishing against the ground. I doubt Dazai would have any idea what happened either, especially since his focus is directed towards Atsushi and the mission. I'll just have to figure this out on my own.

That was until she heard a splash a bit further away from her position, the sound muffled as she was still underwater. She turned towards the original direction, squinting as she attempted to see what was occurring.

In the distance, she watched as a rather small figure fell into the water, quickly sinking to the bottom. It was clear they were thrashing around, attempting to free themselves but unable to as they eventually went limp and floated back down into the seaweed.

Oh my god, that person's drowning! I have to—She stopped herself, only making it a couple steps before she realized that she couldn't, especially with the sole purpose of her being down there in the first place. If I go, then Dazai will notice the movement on the breathing device in my pocket. But if I stay, that person will end up dying – and if I try and ask him, he'll realize that something must be wrong if I'm able to talk to him.

(Y/n) reached into the pocket, pulling out the breathing device. She stared down at it as it rested in her damp palm. She looked from it towards the person, mentally debating what she should do.

She grunted, dropping the device into the sand and into a small patch of seaweed. If I'm going to be a part of the agency again, I'm going to do as much good as possible.

The act of drowning is an intense feeling – water entering a person's body

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The act of drowning is an intense feeling – water entering a person's body. Filling their lungs with the often-burning substance, the light at the end of the tunnel growing closer and brighter with each passing second. It's a terrifying feeling that can sometimes, very few times, be peaceful.

So when (Y/n) watched as the young man's eyes flicked open, relief seemed to wash over her as the waves did in her little dome. She reached over, pulling the cloth that had been shoved into his mouth out and throwing it aside.

She went down to his ankles, attempting to break the lock that held the chains around them and attached him to a couple cinderblocks, as he regained consciousness. She thought as she attempted multiple tactics, I was lucky enough to be able to grab him before too much time passed. It's a good thing I'm starting to get the hang of whatever type of hydrokinetic power my ability is evolving into.

The young man leaned to the side, coughing up some water onto the damp sand. He laid back on his back after that, (Y/n) holding her hands up as she waited for him to finish.

the beauty of water: deep end | o. dazai ✔Where stories live. Discover now