chapter seventeen.

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Hey guys. It's been a while.

First and foremost, I'm sorry I haven't updated this book in literally a month. I've just been in a slum with it and I'm trying to get better. It doesn't help that I literally have a cold right now as I'm trying to get better.

Second, I figured now would be a good time to get back into it as it is now (as I am writing this) Dazai's birthday: June 19th! What a perfect time to update.

Again, I'm really sorry and I'll try to be better about updating this book and any other books. Thank you for your patience and please enjoy the story!

(Y/n) made it back to the original position Dazai had sent her to

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(Y/n) made it back to the original position Dazai had sent her to. She picked up the breathing device, placing it back in her mouth as she let out a heavy sigh. She closed her eyes and put the goggles back on, feeling the water around her sink in and surround her as she was lifted from the soggy ground.

She opened her eyes again to see the darkness around her, reaching for the flashlight instantly. She turned it on, searching around the area for any boats and/or civilians that might've remained behind as the Moby Dick came crashing into the water.

That must mean that Atsushi was able to take it down, she thought as she mentally marked the area as clear. Mission accomplished.

It took a while to reach the edge, piercing the water's surface as she pulled out the mouthpiece. She pushed up the goggles. Her eyes adjusted to the sunlight lagging behind the setting sun. There she saw Dazai standing there, his hands in his pockets as he looked down at her.

A smile came across his lips as his eyes landed on her damp hair. "I'd reach down to pull you out, but..." He gestured to the obvious difficulty that would be. "Besides, you'd just pull me in."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, so how am I going to get out of here?" (Y/n) waded within the water. "I'm exhausted, I don't think I'll be able to use my ability to get out of here."

He pointed to a slope further down the pier. She turned towards the direction, spotting three people floating down into the water in parachutes. She looked back towards the dark-haired man, nodding as she said, "I'll see you down there."

"Yes, you will."

She smirked, pulling the goggles back on and placing the breathing device back in as she sunk beneath the water's surface. She swam through the foggy liquid, following behind Dazai as he walked down there.

She could see the silhouettes of the three that had landed within the water – one of them giving themselves away to be Atsushi. The other two were harder to figure out, yet one of them seemed hauntingly familiar. It was clear they weren't Chuuya, as that would've been a dead giveaway from her ability, but it was clear they were someone else she had battled against in the Port Mafia.

the beauty of water: deep end | o. dazai ✔Where stories live. Discover now