chapter eleven.

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Throughout her entire run back to Chuuya and Dazai's location, (Y/n) attempted to summon Ryuji nine times – every time failing as nothing changed. The blue markings remained, not fading away even though she was healed and Ryuji hadn't been summoned.

Something is really wrong, but I can't figure out what, she thought as she ducked under a half-broken branch on her run back. This is honestly the worst time for my ability and Ryuji to be acting up like this. I mean, Ryuji has always been stubborn – but never to this extent...

She held her hand out towards a large patch of visibly dewy grass, calling out in a commanding voice, "Special ability: The Beauty of Water: Ryuji – I summon you!"

As nothing happened, she realized that she had failed at summoning her strong companion for a tenth time. But as she was about to attempt to summon him again, she abruptly stopped in her tracks.

She heard an explosion in the near distance, looking up and seeing a bright red orb in the sky, watching as it came crashing back down at an intended target. Just as it got out of her sightline, a larger explosion occurred – bright lights emanating from the location as a huge dust and dirt cloud blow around.

She quickly stepped aside, getting against one of the trees and pressing her back against it. She tightly shut her eyes as she felt the burst of wind nearly sent the tree she was using as cover into the night sky.

As soon as the wind stopped, the dust beginning to settle, she got out from her position and looked towards the direction it had originated from, keeping her hand pressed against the rough trunk. She narrowed her eyes, finally spotting the source of the powerful blast – Chuuya.

Oh thank god, he's okay. Wait... She widened her eyes once she saw the red marks covering the exposed areas on his body. Oh no.

(Y/n) took off into a run, nearly breaking off some pieces of bark with her as she sprinted towards him. What she failed to notice once she began to run, was that the tree she had been leaning against turned gray – falling over as it became a dead, weak piece of nature.

(Y/n) emerged from the forest and onto the bare dirt and rocks, hearing Chuuya's laugh as he sent orbs of gravitons (small black holes) into the surrounding area – destroying whatever he had his sights on

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(Y/n) emerged from the forest and onto the bare dirt and rocks, hearing Chuuya's laugh as he sent orbs of gravitons (small black holes) into the surrounding area – destroying whatever he had his sights on. As she saw him, a piece of the ground was destroyed, a cloud of dust blowing against her as she was forced to cover her face, small particles getting into her eyes.

She attempted to call out to him and Dazai, who was nearby with Steinbeck lying on the ground after Lovecraft was clearly defeated, but was unable to as dust got into her mouth and scratched against her throat.

She coughed a bit, holding her throat as she attempted to clear the dust that had gotten inside. This managed to gain Chuuya's attention, causing him to look towards her, an expression on his face she had only seen once before, one she did not like very much...

the beauty of water: deep end | o. dazai ✔Where stories live. Discover now