chapter seven.

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Dazai stepped towards the small house first. (Y/n) stopped just behind him as she kept the hood to her jacket up, covering her (h/c) hair as she rested her hands at her sides.

He simply said as they stood in front of the brick cottage, "So this is where Q is being kept."

I suppose if you're partnered with Dazai, tasks like finding locations aren't too difficult, she thought as she opened her mouth to add on.

She was unable to get anything out before a couple spotlights lit up, bright lights pouring onto the two as a large group of men appeared. They pointed their guns at them, (Y/n) reaching down for her pistol with her right and the water bottle in her pocket with her left.

"Good evening," a calm and almost cute voice greeted the duo, a pair of footsteps approaching them from behind. "Our strategist is adept at reading the enemy's actions."

The detective duo turned around, (Y/n) pulling her hands away from her weapons as she rested them on her hips. There, in front of the group of gunmen, were two members of the Guild: John Steinbeck and Lovecraft.

"Of course, it's a trap," Dazai said as he quirked an eyebrow.

(Y/n) looked between him and the two Guild members, trying to figure out what she should do in the standoff. If she were to pull out her gun, there was almost no doubt that she would've been shot.

But if she pulled out her water bottle and attempted to use her ability, she would've been shot the second she spat out Ryuji's name—she was sure that they knew that she was an ability user. Otherwise, why would she have gone there with someone who appeared to be injured let alone unarmed?

She was ripped away from her thoughts as she felt a slight buzz in the back of her head, a familiar sensation she hadn't felt for years. She looked down at her hand, noticing a dimly glowing blue wavy curve appear for a brief moment—but it disappeared as soon as she laid her eyes on it.

The buzz grew stronger, causing her to reach under her hood and rub the back of her head—the reason for the sensation appearing in a rock with a red outline taking out a huge portion of the Guild gunmen and throwing them through the forest ahead—including Lovecraft.

Of course he was right, (Y/n) thought as the buzzing stopped, spotting the familiar redhead mafioso as he took out the gunners left and right. He tossed them around and shoved them into the ground, using his extremely intimidating ability through the entire process. I hate when he's right. Well, I suppose that this'll be awkward—mainly for me rather than Chuuya.

She looked up to Dazai, who scratched his head, ruffling up his already somewhat messy waves, and glared at Chuuya as he continued to take out members. Chuuya stepped forward, putting his hands on his hips as he glared at Dazai, Steinbeck standing in between them, "Let me set one thing straight." He pointed to the remaining gunmen behind him. "Once I'm done taking out the trash, you're next."

"I knew it." Dazai turned his head away from him. "This is why I wasn't feeling up for it today."

Yeah... (Y/n) raised her eyebrows as she looked to Dazai, flicking her eyes between him and Chuuya. That's definitely the reason why.

"I never heard anything about this surprise attack in the strategic forecasts!" Steinbeck exclaimed in an irritated manner. He held his hand out, a branch from his ability shooting into the ground.

Dazai stepped over, patting his shoulder as he said, "Sorry, you don't get to do that."

This promptly caused the branch to disappear, Steinbeck stating in response, "The gift-disabling ability."

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