chapter ten.

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Oh man... Not this crap again.

(Y/n) opened her eyes, the warm, calm area around her forming as a cool breeze blew by her, pushing her slightly forward. She let out a sigh, her shoulders hunching over as she surveyed the green field surrounding her.

Well, I know Chuuya is out fighting whatever that thing was – so that means, I'm all by myself, she thought as she took a couple steps forward, her shoes sinking slightly into the ground as she took each step.

She looked up, a night sky staring back at her as a couple stars seemed to wink – emanating the night sky she had left behind. She clenched her fists, groaning as she put them in the air.

"What is it this time, Watatsumi?! What is so important that you need to bring me here again?!" she screamed at the sky, closing her eyes as her voice carried throughout the barren yet beautiful land. "Wasn't letting Chuuya nearly strangle me to death the last time enough? Aww, don't tell me you're getting lonely! I don't think that warrants a forced visi—"

"Are you done?"

(Y/n) froze as she heard the second voice – one she was certain she had never heard before. She opened her eyes slowly looking down and forward as she made eye contact with a glossy, glowing pair staring at her with the most worn out expression she had ever seen.

She lowered her hands, bringing them to her chest before slowly pointing towards the being in front of her. She asked in a quiet, squeaky tone, "Ryuji, did you just talk?"

"Yes, now can you stop yelling? I'm more tolerant than most, but we all have our limits." Ryuji didn't even open his mouth to speak, not appearing to need to as he spoke in a proper, deep tone – much different than she had pictured for him originally.

(Y/n) laughed a little, taking a couple steps back as she lowered her hands to her sides. "Oh. Okay."

She pointed her finger towards him much more dramatically, screaming as she asked, "Why the hell can you talk?! Since when was this a thing?!"

"Since I decided to. Do you really think this much was your doing?" He laughed cockily, swimming through the air towards her as he was a mere couple of inches away from her face. "Please, like I'd give that much power to a mere mortal."

She blinked a couple times, straightening her posture as she let her hand hang at her side. "'Mere mortal'? But I thought—"

"Being a vessel does not automatically make you a god, nor are you immortal. If you were, then I wouldn't have to worry about protecting or healing you all of the time." He swam around her, lightly coiling around her upper torso without making any contact. "If I really wanted to, I could just let that strange body of yours just die in the woods. The only thing that's keeping you from wandering here eternally is me."

"So what's stopping you?"

Ryuji froze, staring at the back of her head. (Y/n) slowly turned back towards him, a stoic expression on her face as she asked, "What's stopping you from letting me die? Cause there have been many instances where you could've just let me pass away."

A smile came across his lips, uncoiling as he floated midair, causing her to turn fully around as she faced him once again. "It's because you fascinate me, (Y/n). I know how mortal bodies are supposed to work, but I find what's inside so interesting."

She thought for a moment, trying to interpret what he meant – it didn't take too long for her to figure it out. "You mean my emotions, feelings, my thoughts..."

"Correct." He swam back from her, his long torso following as he made a shape with his water scales. "Particularly this specific emotion – it's so hard for me to put into words, just like it is for you. But you feel it for that powerful mortal... Dazoo, was it?"

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