chapter six.

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(Y/n) readjusted the gun holster on her thigh, checking the pistol once again and making sure that everything that she had was in complete order. She waited behind one of the pillars, standing near Fukuzawa as Kunikida was with him—Dazai out in the open as he waited for the Port Mafia to arrive for their meeting.

She let out a sigh, leaning her head back as it gently hit against the vine-covered concrete. She thought as she waited in near silence for their unusual guests to arrive, I know this isn't exactly the best route the agency wanted to take. But if what I've been told is correct, then the last person to ever suggest this should've been Atsushi—yet it was his idea in the first place. What a strange kid...

She was broken from her thoughts as she heard footsteps approaching their position, turning slightly as she spotted Dazai leaping down from the perch he was sitting on previously to speak to the incoming leader of the Port Mafia—Ougai Mori.

(Y/n) listened to their brief conversation, pulling out her water bottle from her pocket and angling it so she could see the incoming people. Her eyes flicked between the group behind Mori back to Dazai, her nerves beginning to return from the ride there. That was when Fukuzawa and Kunikida stepped out, Mori acknowledging the agency president's presence.

She angled her water bottle once again as she noticed Fukuzawa leaving her eyeline, watching as they walked out and in front of each other as they closed the large gap that was previously between them.

She carefully listened to their conversation, thinking about all the bad possibilities that could occur if this meeting somehow went horribly wrong. Each one becoming worse and bloodier than the last.

I hope you guys know what you're doing, she thought as she swallowed the lump in her throat. I might've been gone for a couple years, but I can see that you guys are still as crazy as ever.

That was when she felt a great burst of wind, nearly knocking the water bottle right out of her hand from the sheer force. She quickly grabbed it before it could hit the ground, stuffing it into her pocket as she turned ever so slightly around the corner to see what had occurred.

She saw Mori and Fukuzawa holding blades to each other's throats—a katana at Mori's throat while a scalpel was at Fukuzawa's.

(Y/n) reached down to her pistol, resting her hand against the handle as she saw a single droplet of what looked to be green snow. What is this? Radiation? Wait, is this...?

She watched as Fukuzawa's hologram disappeared, turning to Tanizaki as she said, "Very useful, nice work."

He silently nodded in response, prompting the real Fukuzawa to appear in between the pillars she and the redhead had been hiding behind. Tanizaki peered around the corner, (Y/n) following the action as she pushed back the strap holding down the pistol, preparing to use it if necessary.

Mori then commented after the quick fight ended, "That was an enjoyable meeting." He turned away, beginning to walk back to the group he had with him. "Let us continue it on the battlefield."

"The agency will be recovering Q tonight," Fukuzawa stated, stopping Mori in his tracks.


"Don't get in our way tonight," he warned. "For the sake of both of us."


"Because that's our sole similarity: That we love this city."

And interesting take, (Y/n) thought as they continued to talk, pulling her hand away from the pistol as she flicked the strap back on. If you think about it, these organizations are two sides of the same coin—one working in the night while the other works with the sun up. At least more than the Port Mafia.

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