chapter five.

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1K Special:

Before we get into this chapter, I would just like to thank all of you for getting this book to 1K reads so quickly. I was so shocked to see it hit that count so quickly, and I am so grateful for every single one of you for supporting this story and any other story! <3

For this special, I'd like to do something that I wasn't really able to for The Beauty of Water:

An OP insert!

These are honestly so fun to do and I'll finally be able to do it since this story follows along with the anime more than one of the Light Novels.

So let's just get into it:

--When all the members are present after the quick views of some of the characters (like Atsushi and Dazai), (Y/n) will be visible once she appears in the end of episode 8 (if she were inserted into the anime directly). She will be wearing her signature (f/c) raincoat with rainboots while standing in the space between Yosano and Dazai—more behind them in this instance.

--(Y/n) will appear again after Atsushi's rain scene, the screen turning a bright color of blue as the rain begins to gather—shifting from Atsushi to her as it forms into Ryuji. She will be standing on the ledge of a balcony, Ryuji guiding the camera towards her as she pulls down her hood. She'll jump off of the balcony, falling into Ryuji as he pops—the screen turning to Kyoka's moment.

--After the Chuuya and Dazai scene, revealing his Port Mafia self and walking away from Chuuya, there will be a brief clip of (Y/n) and Dazai. She will be standing in a dark space, resembling the room she had been held in when she was kidnapped by Fujinuma. He will hold his hand out to her, a small smile crossing his face as she turns around, her hair flying slightly behind her as she sees him. But just as she reaches out towards him, it shifts into Fitzgerald throwing money and the OP coming to a close.

Alright, that's it! I really hope you enjoyed it cause I really enjoyed writing it.

Without further delay, please enjoy chapter five of The Beauty of Water: Deep End.

"Are you sure you're prepared to try this, (Y/n)?" Dazai asked as she laid herself onto one of the beds set up in Yosano's office

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"Are you sure you're prepared to try this, (Y/n)?" Dazai asked as she laid herself onto one of the beds set up in Yosano's office. "Last time this happened, you seemed to be struggling and in pain—not to mention going under intense stress from the case and other factors."

"I know, but maybe this may be one of the only ways to attempt this sort of contact," she responded as she took off her jacket, folding it and laying it at the bottom of the bed as she took her shoes off and rested them on the ground beside her. "I don't have Chuuya's number nor do I think that it's a good idea to attempt to contact them at all."

Dazai nodded slightly, looking over to the door as Yosano, Fukuzawa, and Atsushi seemed to peer in through the narrow window on the door. As soon as he looked towards them, they looked away—causing him to chuckle slightly.

the beauty of water: deep end | o. dazai ✔Where stories live. Discover now