chapter fourteen.

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(Y/n) drove herself and Dazai to the docks, a duffle bag filled with various equipment resting in the back seat. Despite her willingness to participate in her rather dangerous part of the plan, thoughts about Hinami still rested in the back of her mind.

Not just about whether she was going to be alright in the end – but also how she was going to tell her that she was the one who had shot the refrigerator door that cracked her skull.

Dazai seemed to notice how her focused was split, turning towards her and pushing off of the door he had been leaning against as he asked, "Are you still thinking about your call with Hinami?"

Dazai seemed to notice how her focused was split, turning towards her and pushing off of the door he had been leaning against as he asked, "Are you still thinking about your call with Hinami?"

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Fifteen minutes prior...

In a swift movement, (Y/n)'s face was suddenly pressed against Dazai's chest, his arms wrapped around her. He stroked the back of her head, twirling a couple strands of her hair between his fingers.

"You did the right thing. She would've really hurt someone or even killed them if you hadn't done what you needed to," he said to her in a low tone, one that sent shivers down her spine.

She snaked her arms underneath his coat, wrapping her arms around his torso as she said into his chest, "It sure doesn't feel like it."

They stayed like that for a moment, Dazai allowing her to be intertwined with him, basking in the warmth of his touch as he held her close. It seemed as if the chaos they had been experiencing was fading away, the world emptying to just be the two of them.

It was the best feeling she had ever experienced in her entire life.

But the feeling was soon shattered as the door to the agency opened, Tanizaki and Atsushi stepping out and spotting the two. Atsushi looked towards the stairs, Tanizaki coughing as he grabbed the two's attention.

"We're ready to go, Dazai," he said as Dazai looked towards him. "(Y/n)'s equipment is laying on your desk in a bag."

"Good. Go on and take one car, (Y/n) and I will take another," Dazai said as he kept his hold on (Y/n), allowing her to hide her tear-filled face from her temporary coworkers. "We'll be leaving soon."

Tanizaki and Atsushi then left, scampering down the stairs as they were ready to begin the mission. Dazai pulled away from (Y/n), looking down at her as he used one of his hands to press against her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away one of her tears as it streamed down her cheek.

"Don't worry about Hinami right now. You shouldn't let your focus be diverted because of something you regret – besides, there's nothing to regret right now."

She paused, letting his words sink in. She sniffled, nodding as she replied, "Right. Let's go."


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