chapter twenty-two.

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"Come here," Kunikida quietly said as he reached for (Y/n), wrapping his arms around her as her face dug into his shoulder.

He kept her close, rubbing her back as she finally let out the cry that she had been holding in. Whether she had been holding it in since their arrival or from her discovery didn't matter, it hurt nonetheless.

When would it end?

They didn't stay in this position for long, as Kunikida's arms grew tired and (Y/n) needed a moment to breath without pushing into him. She stood up, still holding onto the bag.

He reached for it. "I can take that and put it in the suitcase—"

"Don't worry." She cut him off. "I got it." She reached towards the counter, grabbing the packing tape and holding it out to him as she began walking past. "Just tape up the boxes, we can't stay here for too long. Hinami might be back soon."

Kunikida watched as she walked past, catching the tape as she practically dropped it while passing him. His brows furrowed and his glasses slid down his nose slightly, prompting him to push them back up as he followed her in.

 His brows furrowed and his glasses slid down his nose slightly, prompting him to push them back up as he followed her in

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The packing process was practically completed after that. (Y/n) zipped up her suitcase and placed the smaller box onto it as she rolled it out of her room. Kunikida followed soon after, carrying the heavier box.

"Let's head back to the agency. Dr. Yosano said you could use her office to store your stuff until our shifts ended," Kunikida said as they made their way towards the stairs.

"Got it. I wonder if Dazai and Atsushi found Nico," she said, preparing to pick up the two items to go down. "We should hurry in case they came back with important details."

(Y/n) began walking down the stairs, Kunikida catching up to her quick pace. They came to a total stop when they heard the doorknob at the bottom turning, the lock soon clicking.

"Did Asagiri mention anyone dropping by while she was out?" Kunikida quietly asked, placing the box onto the stairs. He began reaching into his vest. "Someone that might have access to up here?"

"She didn't mention anyone coming out here." (Y/n) stepped in front of her items, her fingers brushing against the grip of her pistol.

Both waited impatiently for whoever was on the other side to enter, holding their breath as their nerves spiked. (Y/n) could feel a slight tingling sensation in her feet – something she tried to ignore as her hand began to take the gun out of its holster.

The lock eventually clicked and the door cracked open. Heavy grunts came from the other side, eventually pushing the door open while hauling something heavy.

Kunikida fully pulled out his notebook once the figure entered their vision. (Y/n) let out a sigh, releasing her weapon as she placed her hands on her hips.

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