chapter nine.

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"That is true." Dazai nodded in agreement, walking up to Ryuji as he was nearly finished freeing Q. He then pursed his lip, reaching up and hovering his hand over Ryuji's back as he pouted, "I really want to pet him."

(Y/n) and Chuuya stared at him for a moment, both with a similar expression. Chuuya eventually exclaimed, "That's what you're worried about?!"

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she turned back to Ryuji. She thought as her watery companion was finishing up, I guess he really can't pet Ryuji. I mean, the second Dazai touches him, he'll turn back into a somewhat dirty puddle.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw the last of the restraining branches fall to the ground, running over as Q began to fall down to the ground. Chuuya came over as well, picking Q up and throwing them onto his back in a swift move.

"I'll take Q," he quietly said to (Y/n), Dazai not listening as he walked over to the creepy doll watching them throughout the process and picking it up. "You've done more than enough tonight."

She chuckled slightly. "I don't think I'm the one who's done more than enough." She looked over to Ryuji, who was patiently waiting for her to give him another command.

Chuuya turned to where she was looking, spotting the water dragon and shaking his head a little. "You have on weird companion."

"Says the vessel for a god of destruction," she retorted under her breath, standing up from her half-kneeling position and walking over to Ryuji.

(Y/n) placed her hand on Ryuji's snout, gently running her fingers up and down. She leaned towards him, nearly resting her forehead against his as she said in a near-whisper, "Ryuji – I lay you to rest."

With that, Ryuji disappeared into a thin mist, falling to the ground like a gentle rain. She held her hand out, keeping it where she had been petting him as she felt the somewhat warm water run down against her hand and trace against her rough skin.

She was snapped from her slight daze as she felt a hand grab her shoulder, prompting her to turn around as Dazai faced behind her. He leaned towards her, placing his lips right next to her ear as he whispered, "I always did like watching you use your ability."

She swallowed the lump in her throat as she fully turned around, watching as he followed Chuuya, who had Q on his back, out from the basement and back into the main part of the building.

I always did like the way he whispered to me...

"Yo, Dazai, you asshole," Chuuya grunted as they walked up the stairs and out of the dark basement, "hand over that doll!"

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"Yo, Dazai, you asshole," Chuuya grunted as they walked up the stairs and out of the dark basement, "hand over that doll!"

"No way," Dazai responded with a smile. "It's our insurance." He gestured to (Y/n), who was right behind him on the stairs.

"Huh?" she questioned, leaving her thoughts as she looked back up to the two and got back into the more open area of the creepy building.

He didn't say anything, just taking her hand and leading her back out of the basement. Chuuya blew a stream of air through his lips, blowing a small piece of his hair out of the way as he turned away from the two detectives.

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