chapter four.

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"These should be ready to go," (Y/n) said after giving the final egg-like device a final check-up. "They should mask our presence and block any incoming signals—just as they're intended to do."

"Excellent! Now let's—" Dazai was cut off by a large explosion that occurred outside the agency.

He walked out of the room they were working in first, going to one of the windows. (Y/n) took this moment to quickly put the eggs into her duffle bag and slung it over her shoulder—the remote for them sitting in her jacket pocket.

"What's going on out there?" she asked as she left the room, walking over to stand next to him. She widened her eyes as she saw the mayhem that was beginning to occur, cars crashing and people attacking each other for no real reason—it was utter chaos. "Woah... You weren't kidding when you said this would be a disaster..."

"Let's get going," he stated, turning around as his coat swung around gracefully behind him.

(Y/n) nodded, turning on her heel as she picked up the pace—going at a jog to a near run as she followed behind Dazai. But she almost rammed into the back of him when he abruptly stopped, turning around as he stuck his hand into his pocket.

"I know you have your ability, but..." He pulled out a pistol in a thigh holster from his pocket, "I'd feel a bit more confident if you had this with you."

She looked from the gun to him, hesitantly taking it as she put the holster around her right thigh, adjusting it and pulling out the pistol. She checked the magazine—finding it to be fully loaded.

"It's been a while since I've used a gun," she stated, putting the pistol back into her holster. "I'll return it to you after we're done here."

"Return it whenever you like." He shrugged slightly, turning around as he resumed his pace towards the stairs. "Just try not to kill yourself in the process."

"Will do."

These devices shouldn't be able to hurt anyone, which is just what we'll need if we're going to stop this, she thought as they ran down the stairs, going out of the building and onto the street. But this... this is insane.

They ran down the street, passing by many buildings that were set aflame and had large chunks of them missing due to the chaos

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They ran down the street, passing by many buildings that were set aflame and had large chunks of them missing due to the chaos. People were on the streets, either running from others who were chasing them or on the ground covered in a pool of their own blood.

Woah... This is even more violent than I initially realized... she thought as she grabbed onto the hood of a car, vaulting herself over it as she kept a tight grip on the bag of egg-devices she had slung across her body and over her shoulder. I'm certain we'll make it there on time, but that doesn't change the fact that this is still pretty scary.

"Hey! Watch out!" a person yelled, garnering (Y/n)'s attention while Dazai kept going.

There she saw a young woman wearing jeans, a white button-up and an apron immediately throwing another person aside like they were just a crumpled up paper ball. Her blonde hair was a mess, some of it still in the bun that it was originally styled in while the rest was spread out and tangled like a rat's nest.

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