chapter twenty-one.

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The next morning had to be one of the most difficult (Y/n) ever had to face – not just because she wanted to just stay in her apartment with Dazai for the rest of the day.

She stood outside the agency's office door, the letter crumpled up in her hands. She wore her usual attire, including her (f/c) rain jacket and matching boots, but it still felt like she was wearing a space suit and was about to trek into alien territory.

Dazai stood behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder to snap her out of her own thoughts. She shook off her nerves and looked back to him. "Is this really the best idea? What if someone else gets seriously hurt in the process of finding Nico and eventually Usotsuki?"

"Remember the last time you tried hiding something from the other agents? It got you kicked off of a case and led to a whole chain of events," he rebutted.

It may have been harsh, but he was right. She did need to tell them. There was no better group to handle such a difficult and dangerous case.

(Y/n) opened the door, Dazai followed close behind her into the office area. It was bright inside, a mixture of fluorescents and natural light poured into the large room. Members of the agency were at their desks, excluding Yosano as she was most likely in her own office.

Ranpo sat at his facing opposite of the front door, a stack of sweets and chips acting as a wall that most likely needed the Colossal Titan to take down. Kenji and Tanizaki were at their respective desks, working on whatever was handed to them in the immediate aftermath of the Guild's terror. Naomi was in and out of the main office, wandering especially close to Tanizaki's desk when she had the chance. Atsushi was standing beside Kunikida's desk, receiving instructions on a file as he listened attentively. Kyoka was at her own desk, organizing the small amount of supplies she had been provided.

(Y/n) was almost sad to share the creepy situation that would inevitably ruin the productive and somewhat peaceful atmosphere. She thought as she approached Fukuzawa's office, But it has to be done. I can't keep any secrets – I need help.

She walked to the office, knocking on the door and entering without a word to anyone on the way. As soon as the door closed behind her, Dazai sat at his desk and slumped against it.

Atsushi walked back to his own desk, sitting between him and Kyoka. He placed the file on his desk, turning towards Dazai as he heard the older agent let out a heavy sigh. He looked between him and the President's door, realizing his eyes were basically burning holes into the wood with his intense stare.

"Dazai," Atsushi gained his attention, "why are you staring at the President's door so intensely? Is something going to happen?"

"Most likely, Atsushi." Dazai sat up, leaning back as he rested his hands on the back of his head, intertwining his fingers. "(Y/n)'s in there right now presenting a case that is quite important and time-sensitive."

"A case?" Atsushi repeated in a questioning tone, gaining the attention of the rest of the agents in the room. "What's wrong? Did something happen recently?"

"Yes and no. You'll learn what's happening pretty soon."

Atsushi, and anyone within earshot, grew increasingly confused. He exchanged a glance with Kyoka, only to earn basically no emotion from her as she simply sat at her desk, messing with some notepads she had been given.

"What are you talking about, Dazai?" Kunikida questioned, pulling his attention away from the multiple files lying on his desk. "What case is so important that you can't even talk about it?"

"It's not that I can't talk about it," the door to Fukuzawa's office opened and revealed (Y/n) and him walking out, "I just wouldn't be able to fully explain it."

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