chapter thirty.

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The trip to the apartment building wasn't far – especially as Kunikida drove with (Y/n) in the passenger seat. Nico was in the back with Dazai, who kept a close eye on him.

"So what did these meetings usually entail?" Dazai asked as they rounded a corner Nico had directed them around. "Anything specific?"

"It'd usually be about plans that involve actual action rather than just surveillance and information-gathering," Nico explained, running a hand through his hair. "The last couple of meetings were pretty gruesome though – Usotsuki would discuss how we'd kidnap (Y/n) and leave her to be killed or something similar to that.

"After she started talking about kidnapping that Hinami girl or you, Dazai, to lead (Y/n) into a trap, I knew that I had to warn her or someone that could do more to protect anyone and everyone involved."

(Y/n) and Kunikida shared a quick look. She turned back in her seat, leaning against the center console as she asked, "So even if she were to succeed in some way, Hinami or anyone else I'm close to would've been kidnapped?"

"I don't know." Nico shrugged. "The guys that were more willing to go to those lengths could've been kept in the loop, but I got caught and nearly killed so I'm not totally sure if this is a trap or not."

(Y/n) furrowed her brows and turned back in her seat. They didn't have much time to further discuss the information as they arrived at their destination.

It wasn't as broken down as (Y/n) thought it would be. It certainly wasn't brand new, but it was better-looking than most of the old buildings surrounding them. There were signs condemning the place and warning trespassers to stay out all over the area. Some of the windows were boarded while others weren't, vines growing all over the walls and surrounding area.

The four stood outside the building, taking a brief moment for the three detectives to check their pistols and whatever weapons they brought for the current mission. Nico led the way into the building with Kunikida close in two.

(Y/n) was about to follow as well but was stopped as Dazai grabbed her shoulder and forced her to turn and face him. "What's up, Osamu?" she questioned.

"There's a good chance that this is a trap and you could get killed again," he said, his voice quiet but his tone stern. "Ryuji won't give you a second chance if you do get killed and then what will you do?" He rested his hand against her cheek. "What am I going to do without you?"

(Y/n)'s lips curled into a soft smile. She went on her tiptoes, pressing a soft kiss against his lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She held him close and he in turn held her close to him.

She pulled away and whispered, "Nothing is going to happen to me. If this is somehow a trap, and Aimi managed to plan for this in some sick way, I'll be able to take care of myself." She gestured towards the gun holstered to her thigh. "With or without my special ability."


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