chapter twenty-six.

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(Y/n) stared down at the bandages tied around her left ring finger, messing with the knot as she walked with Dazai back to her place. He noticed her almost trance-like state as they walked up the steps.

"I can't imagine how you're going to react once I get you a real ring," he said, causing her to look away from the makeshift ring. "I'll have to practically drag you around to get you anywhere."

"You can drag me around later," she chuckled, patting his arm. "Besides, you don't have to get me a 'real ring'. While this," she held up her hand, showing him the bandages, "may not be a traditional engagement ring, it's still an engagement ring and I love it. I also love you."

Dazai pressed his lips to her cheek in a quick kiss. "You are so strange, (Y/n) (L/n). Very strange."

"That's ironic coming from you."

They stopped in front of her door. (Y/n)'s arm slid down to his hand as she stepped aside. "You know, we'll have to start considering who's place to move into once we're married. Yours or mine."

"Oh, definitely mine." He had a cheeky smile. "Mine's actually furnished."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes in response. "Very funny. Mine will be furnished tomorrow once I'm all rested up and able to actually unpack my stuff."

"I suppose that's fair." He pulled her hand, causing her to rest her palms against his chest as their bodies grew closer. She looked up to him, mere inches between their faces as they looked to one another. "You're very beautiful, (Y/n). You know that?"

"I do. You tell me that quite a lot."

"Because it's true."

Silence grew between the two as the sun began to lower in the distance, the sky turning a warm shade of orange in response. Dazai leaned down closer to her, pressing his lips against hers as they began to kiss.

The sweet moment soon grew more heated, causing him to turn and press her against the door as they continued to kiss. They paused for a brief moment, allowing him to unlock the door and open it.

Dazai kissed (Y/n) once more, kicking the door shut behind him as they made their way towards his cot. Their coats and shoes were quickly discarded as they sat on the cot, continuing to kiss. (Y/n) ran her fingers through his dark, wavy locks, pulling him closer as they leaned back on the cot.

It was a lovely night to be engaged.

(Y/n) was the first to wake up, hearing her phone go off early in the morning

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(Y/n) was the first to wake up, hearing her phone go off early in the morning. She let out a groan as she reached towards her coat, her fingers creeping through the piles of clothing as she fished the small device out of her pocket.

She blinked a couple times as her eyes adjusted to the dim light in the room, Dazai's curtains still closed from the night before. She narrowed her eyes, her vision finally focusing as she read the caller ID:

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