chapter thirteen.

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(Y/n) stayed behind in Yosano's office, getting dressed into a more work-appropriate attire rather than what she had been wearing previously. She planned on helping Dazai and Ranpo with a plan to take down the Guild, especially since Ranpo had been practically begging to see her since hearing of her brief return to the agency.

I guess I haven't seen Ranpo since I got back – I never really had the chance to catch up amidst all this chaos, she thought as she pulled on a fresh pair of shorts, readjusting them before pulling on a clean black long-sleeve shirt. I wonder if he'll be upset that we haven't been able to talk, nor have I brought any sweets for him.

She sat on the edge of the bed, pulling a duffle bag Dazai had brought to her along the ground and at her feet. She pulled open the flap again, grabbing a pair of socks and slipping them on, different scenarios of her reunion with him running through her mind throughout the simple action.

As she reached for her (f/c) rainboots, she heard the door to the office open, a pair of footsteps stepping inside and closing the door promptly after. The still-drawn curtain blocked her view of who had come in, a mere shadow giving her the slightest hint of who was inside the room with her.

"I'm almost ready!" she called out, not getting a response of any type.

She heard a slight crinkling of plastic, almost as if someone was holding a bag and moving it around in their hands. She watched as the shadow placed whatever they were holding against the curtain, causing the curtain to wave around a bit, still not giving her a single hint of who was in the room with her.

"Hello?" she called out again, still not getting a response.

She quickly slid on her boots, standing up as she heard whoever was on the other side of the curtain quickly walk away, leaving as soon as they heard the squeak of her boots against the ground.

(Y/n) walked over to the curtain, pulling it away and looking around the room – finding herself to be alone once again. She felt something light tip over and hit the toe of her boot, causing her to look down.

There she saw a bag of Kanro Puré Juicy Lemon Gummy candy resting against her foot on the ground. She knelt down, picking up the unopened sweets and turning it over in her hand.

That's weird. Why would someone just leave a bag of candy here without saying anything?

There didn't seem to be anything off with it – just a bag of lemon gummies left against her curtain without a single word. She stood back up, continuing to examine the bag as she sat back on her bed, resting it against her lap as she pulled her (f/c) raincoat out from the bag and quickly slipped it on.

Just as she slipped on her sleeve, completing her look, an idea crossed her mind of the use of the candy – a faint smile coming across her face as she stood up, preparing to leave the office and finally assist in taking down the Guild for good.

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