chapter twenty-seven.

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(Y/n) led the way back into the agency, Dazai close behind her as they walked to the office door. She grabbed onto the handle, opening the door as she was met with a rather strange situation:

Naomi was caressing her brother in a non-brotherly loving manner ((Y/n) was more concerned about it than Dazai appeared to be) as he attempted to talk to Kenji about more casual topics rather than agency-related stuff. Kunikida was at his desk, typing away on his laptop as he was hard at work.

Ranpo's desk was fully covered in sweets and other snacks, but he appeared to be elsewhere. Atsushi was flustered as he attempted to talk to Hibiki and care for Kyoka simultaneously, struggling immensely as he began to stutter and practically spin in circles to face them both.

Dazai let out a deep sigh as he breathed, "It's good to be back."

He went past her, walking over to Atsushi to relieve him of one of his stress-filled activities. (Y/n) began to walk into the agency, closing the door behind her as she fully entered.

She looked around the room, her eyes falling towards one of the more private areas. The wall that had once separated the area was now gone, the floor clean and shiny to near perfection. Wet floor signs kept the members away from the spot, leaving those outside the agency to mess with their own imaginations over the situation.

It was difficult for her to try and peel her eyes away, unable to take a step further as the memory of that moment replayed in her mind...

"For the record, could you also tell me your maiden name."

Aimi unzipped her bag, beginning to ruffle through it. "Of course: my maiden name is Aimi Fujinuma."

(Y/n) instantly froze.

She kept her head down but didn't continue writing. Her body felt as if it were covered in icicles, pricking and stabbing into her with their icy touch. "Aimi, what is your brother's name?"

"Zack." (Y/n) looked up, finding Aimi with a gun pointed at her. "Zack Fujinuma."

"You don't have to do this, Aimi," (Y/n) said, placing the pen in her other hand as she held it and the notebook. "We can talk about this."

Please, someone come, she thought, swallowing the lump in her throat. I don't think I'll be able to survive this.

"I'm done talking. As Usotsuki, I have completed the task at hand. As Aimi, I have achieved greater than I could've ever imagined." She pulled the trigger, leaving (Y/n) with a warm sensation and darkness suddenly surrounding her.

"(Y/n). (Y/n)!" Dazai called out to her, gaining her attention. "Hibiki has something time sensitive to discuss with you."

(Y/n) cleared her throat, regaining her composure as she walked over to the two. "Hey, Hibiki. It's nice to see you again," she greeted.

"I wish it were under better circumstances." His expression was dark, his eyes red and puffy and his clothes were dirty and torn. His backpack looked nearly empty, the contents inside that she could see were empty water bottles and food containers. "I really need to talk to you. It's really important."

"Of course. What's wrong?"

"It's Hinami." His voice began to break. "I can't find her."


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