Chapter 2 - Broken Queen

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-3rd Person-

Beth walked into St Anne's Church, dress all in black. the click/clack of her heels echoed as she walked slowly down the aisle. She stopped and looked to the side for a moment.

"Everyday for the past four months, you sit in the corner back of the church and watch me. You never say a word, you just watch. What about a grieving mother makes you so curious...witch?" The figure stood up but made no move to come out of the shadows and she made no move to see the face of the on looker.

"Your silence." the voice replied "Always silence and contemplation, not what I expected of the Warrior Queen." Beth took the last steps to the alter she made the sign of the cross and moved to the side.

"Never figured you as a religious person either." the voice added as she lit her two candles and bowed her head, she muttered a prayer.

"Religion can have a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. The hope to heal wounds and a promise of a miracle." she picked up a locket that sat around her neck and kissed it before turning and walking back down the aisle.

"Short visit?" the voice wondered but Beth never gave a reply as she glided out of the church.


I returned home, or at least to the empty shell off it, when i saw a familiar blonde hair of Camille.

"Klaus I know you're here, we need to talk." she states walking on the top floor.

"Leave." I order she turns sharply gasping in fright

"Bethany." she breathed "Where the hell did you come from?"

"Excuse me, but you're the one who is trespassing, leave us alone. He doesn't want to talk to you, no one wants to talk to you, Camille. He most certainly wouldn't want you fragile self in danger." I glance over her then begin to circle "Just one, bite. No drinking just..." i trail my finger across her neck, her heartbeat quickens.

"Adrenaline, makes for a fine...."

"That is quite enough, my love." Elijah cut me off. I pout and walked away into my room I shed my heels and dress then start a bath. Once it was done stepped in and sunk into the abyss of the warm water.

Upon finishing i wrapped myself in a towel and walked into my room. Elijah was in the nursery attached

"What do you think you're doing?" I question scowling.

"Well, at least you're talking to me" He breathed as he held wooden slats of Daniel's cot.

"I asked you a question, what are you doing in Daniel's room?" I question with a more firm tone.

"As we have discussed, our illusion needs to be flawless. Now months have passed. It's the appropriate time." he put them down only to remove more.

"Stop. Stop it!" I scream, he starts coughing, coughing up blood.

"Bethany." he wheezed and i blinked out of my haze, he dropped to the ground. He gazes up at me. "I understand how this is difficult for you and..."

"What's difficult  is that the she wolf is still breathing. it's been four months, my spell should have worked, she should be dead. What is difficult is a mother being parted from their child. Elijah. What is difficult is the pain I didn't expect." I raged "What is difficult is that I want to be normal. a normal mother with normal children and normal problems!"

"You and Hayley will have your vengeance. I promise you."

"Until I am whole again, you do not step foot in this room, Elijah. Get out." he stagers up to his feet and away. I look at the nursery and close the door behind me getting dressed.


"Little wolf, little wolf, may I come in?" I heard the dulcet tones of Nik.

"What?" I sigh looking out over the Quarter below and messing with my locket which held a lock of hair of Sophia and Daniel.

"I have a present, from Elijah." He came up behind me "How does my little niece fancy herself a wolf hunt?" I look up at him and he smirked.

"Come along." he took my hand and lead me out. He stopped short, the power of the rings was starting again. "It's nothing. Come on." he took me downstairs to the dining room. Hayley and Elijah were there.

"We're taking the 12 original rings." Elijah stated upon our entering. "Now four of the sit on the hands of the Guerrara Brothers. One on Oliver, One on Francesca. Three with home security and the rest scattered amount her lackeys. Now each ring is distinguishable by it's setting. Gauche, like those who wear them."

"They don't have the stake but if they think they can get it they'll come for me when I'm weak. Each ring we retrieve will strengthen me but I will still be at a disadvantage." Klaus added and I rested my hands on his shoulders.

"Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely on us working together. The four of us can no longer afford to retreat to separate corners." Klaus kisses my knuckles and stands up.

"This is our fight, are you ready for battle girls?" he looks between us

"Just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive." Hayley replied

"And that I get  Oliver, bastard is a traitor. And I am a Queen."

"Head on a silver platter, my little wolves." he answered

"Then there is only one last remaining piece of the puzzle left." Elijah left and I went to join Hayley.

"Sister." He held out my hand. I had taken to calling her it. I don't know why but we seemed connected like Caroline and I once were.  She took my hand and we sped away. It wasn't long before the cleverly arrived.

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