Chapter 30 - Together Again

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I came out from putting the children down somewhere comfy to sleep. Elijah was sorting out the logs. I saw him snap away from reality while looking at his hands. I bit my lip and grab the handkerchief from his jacket.

"Elijah." He looked up as i came over. I turned him to face me. "What is it you see when you go away like that?" I question wiping down his hands

"Things I've done. Images of who I was." I guided him to sit down "A lovely gift from mother. I can't turn it off. I suppose it's her way of demonstrating I'd be better off taking her deal. To start over. Live a mortal life and have mortal children."

"What would be the point?" i ask "You already have a first born, curse if the story is to be believed. The only difference is it wouldn't be Mikaelson blood."

"You and I know what my mother is capable of. Now I do wonder if she would relent and leave us be." he thought.

"She wouldn't."

"But what if all that mother needs is a victory?" he thought and I shook my head

"She can find it somewhere else. Besides she wants all three of you. I'm not letting you go again." i deny

"She has Kol, she has Finn. Perhaps in the end a simple majority would do." he suggested

"And what you offer yourself up, say you've finally come to your senses. Elijah..." i was cut off

"I'll do it." We look around and see Rebekah.


I held Daniel, Elijah held Sophia and Hayley held Hope as Nik set the bonfire alight. Stefan stood next to me, playing with Daniel's fingers.

"Hey, look what I found!" Bekah chimed as she came out holding a pollard camera "I wonder if it will work."

"Pass it here. I'll take it." Stefan offered

"No, you can join, Nik do you think you cram us all into a selfie?" I ask. as we walk over

"My love, Niklaus is the virtuoso of cramming his siblings into confined spaces." Elijah commented. I laughed

"I'm so glad I travelled hundreds of miles to visit my mentally ill brother, only to have him insult me to my face." Nik retorted

"Come on, just take the picture." We all crammed together as Nik took the photo. and it popped out, we crowded round to watch it develop

"See? I wish it could always be like this."  Rebekah wished wistfully.

"If wishes were horses." Elijah stated

"Beggars would ride. You do realise we have to burn this. You want me to make a wish for the family, Rebekah. I wish it didn't have to be like this, but it does. We can't risk it falling into the wrong hands." he hands the picture to Hayley. Who throws it into the fire.

"No this isn't right, We deserve this, we earnt this. I won't let it slip away" Rebekah says "I know what to do to stop Esther."

"Bekah, no." i say

"I'm going to take her deal. And when i do, I'm taking her down with me." she vows


Sophia sat playing on front of me as Hayley and I fed Hope and Daniel. I heard the sibling arguing inside about Bekah's plan. They were going back and forth, then involving Kol, they still didn't trust him. I sigh and shake my head.

"Your Daddy, Uncles and Aunt live to give me a raging headache Daniel. I hope by the time your grown, they actually deal with their issues." I told him

"You think that will happen?" Hayley wonders and I laugh

"Not a chance. But one can hope. Who knows having children may help them work though issues together. But they need to trust one another first. More importantly Kol." I reply "But, they've spent years being a three and a outcast their old ways are difficult to give up. No matter how hard I will try."


3rd person

Klaus and Rebekah had left back for New Orleans. Hayley came into the kitchen where Stefan was washing up.

"It's so quiet with Klaus and Rebekah gone." Hayley commented

"Wait till, Beth wakes up she's certainly make up for it." Stefan chuckles and the throws the towel to the side. "So what's on your mind, something must be up."

"How could you tell?" Hayley chuckles

"I've been around a while. And looking after Daniel I've learnt to be acutely aware of reading people. A must have when your in hiding and a bunch of other things. what is it?" Stefan wonders

"My wolves are under the thumb of Esther, she gave them these moonlight rights and now she owns then but... But i figured out a different way. They could control their turning without the rings and bring peace to our home so that the children could return to us. But there's a catch. I have to marry the man who my birth parents betrothed me to." she explained "It's um, a mystical ceremony and an Alpha bonding ritual."

"Complicated." Stefan commented and Hayley laughed "For what it's worth, bringing your daughter home, I think any price is worth it. I'm gonna hit they hay." he walked off. Hayley looked in on Beth, she was asleep with Elijah. Sophia was asleep in between them and Daniel was in his moses basket beside Beth. She smiled and went into her own rom where, Hope slept soundly.

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