Chapter 22 - Manoeuvres, Manoeuvres

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I had set up for the spell and look around making sure nothing was out of place and that everything was ready.

"You good?" Pippa wondered leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, no wait i need and anchor and object to teather me to reality." I looked up and she folded her arms confused "A object of someone connected to...." I looked down and opened my locket, I take out the cutting of Daniels hair.

"I'm ready. If this spell goes wrong there is the picture of who Kol looks like right now, you find him and you bring him here. He'll figure something out." She gave curt nod. I cut my palm and then Elijah's.  I placed Daniel's hair in our joined hands and laid down. I started chanting the spell.

-3rd Person-

Klaus walked through the woods of the Bayou, trying to find the flower that would save his brother from his inner torment. What he didn't realise for a while is that he was being followed. But when he did he pinned the watcher to a tree. It was his father

"Stop, following me." he glared at the man. "I have no intention of taking Esther's bargain and no desire to be remade a mortal being. Now kindly piss of. I'm in a hurry to help my real family." he let go and walked away.

"You seek the Merlock orchid." Ansel stated. Klaus sighed and turned around

"And how do you know that?" Klaus questioned

"I watched Bethany carry Elijah home last night. Who do you think used to find the orchid for your mother to put Mikael to sleep? Without my help, you could search forever." Ansel declared. The cogs in Klaus mind worked at full sped to come to a conclusion.

"My mother brought you back from the dead. My sense of strategy tells me it wasn't to play a father-son game of hide and seek." he stormed off and Ansel followed

"You can storm off in a fit of stubbornness if you like  but I suggest that you do so towards the west." Klaus looked back at him

Meanwhile with Hayley, Marcel, Aiden and Josh were planning a form of attack to capture Finn first.

"Cami said Vincent wants to meet at Preservation Hall. But he won't be  unprotected. There'll be wolves positioned here and here." He pointed to the ma of the area.

"Can we keep this alley open?" Marcel questioned. Aiden nodded

"Great. I'll wait there and rip Vincent's head off." Hayley retorted thinking of the relief she might feel once he was gone.

"Nah, he'll just body jump." Marcel replied as Cami come in holding a box

"His head stays on. He'll have a hard time answering our questions without it." she put the box down and opened it.

"Sweet it's a box of dusty old junk. We're saved." Josh sassed and Aiden gave a smile at his sort of secret boyfriend.

"They're dark objects my uncle left for me. I cataloged the according to Kieran's notes. As far as I can tell, these can be used against witches specifically." Marcel lifted up a pair of chains.

"Kinky." Hayley drawled

"I remember these. A hundred years ago, the human faction waged war against the voodoo queens. They had a traitor spell these manacles. Slap them on a witch, they can't do magic as long as they're on." he dropped them back in the box.

"Well, we won't get the handcuffs of doom on him while he's surrounded by a werewolf pack." Josh stated

"He can be lured away. I can do that." Aiden offered

"Cami, if we do this, you're the bait. Are you sure your okay with that?" Hayley asked the other woman. Cami was silent for a moment.

"Make it look convincing, he's really smart."



I gasped and took in my surroundings. I was in the woods, it was dark and there was a scared teenage boy sitting across from me. I sat myself up.

"Can you see me? Can you hear me?" he nodded shockingly "Oh that's good, I really thought that wasn't going to work, Hello Elijah." I smiled softly finally recognising the face of the teenage version of my husband

"Autumn?" he questioned "What are you doing here?"

"I'm Bethany, I just look like Autumn. I'm here to help." I smile and his eyes drift behind me. I see my version of Elijah all bloody. "Ah, right. Dark Elijah, Light Elijah scenario." I turn back to him

"Run!" I grab his hand and we take off running. In his head I didn't have my speed, which sucked. We finally came to a stop.

"Who is he?" Good Elijah asked

"Oh that is you, future you who's been through some bad stuff and come out a little worse for wear. You're dreaming, a spell by your mother and your stuck in your own head. I am your future wife. Here to hep protect you from your inner demons and keep you sane while your brother, works to heal you. I think I've covered everything." I breathe heavily  "Oh it's been a few years since I was out of breath, that sucks."

"You're mad."

"Aww thank you, look I just need to keep you alive and sane till Nik is back. Re connect with each other. She says trapped inside her husbands head." I think out loud.

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