Chapter 28 - Messing with Beth

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I was trying to get through to Elijah but he wasn't picking up. I groaned as it went through to voicemail.

"Seriously voicemail? Again. I know who you're with but this is urgent, wait not that is the understatement of the century. You call me back right now." I growl and then hung up seeing Davina. "What do you want Kol's busy with his family right now. Nik!" I yell and he appears right next to me.

"Elijah is not answering, it's never good when it repeatedly goes through to voice... run along little witch." I flap my hand to shoo her away.

"I'm not going anywhere." she retorts

"D, today is not the day." Marcel comes out and goes to come downstairs

"Actually it is." Davina snaps his neck making him fall down the stairs. I raised an eyebrow at her and she looked at me.

"You really think, you can take me on baby witch." I chuckle "We maybe a year or two apart but bitch please." I scoff. Nik snorts in amusement

"You forget yourself. You're not as powerful as you once were, Harvest girl." I turn and mutter a spell securing Kol where he was.

"Doesn't mean i still can't kick your ass." Davina threw Nik through a door and I threw her across the courtyard. I strolled up to her as she groans in pain.

"Such, fire. I honestly do commend you for your bravery.  But you're just no match, one being you bleed very easily." she pulls herself up as Nik joins me

"You guys talk such a big game but you couldn't even kill Mikael when you had the chance. He was right about you, you know, you're weak." Nik raced over and bit her but he backed off choking and falling to the floor

"What did you do!" i yell and she smirked at me. I held out my hands and she raised up from the ground. 

"Beth! Beth!" i vaguely heard Marcel

"You think you can come into my home and hurt my family! You are nothing! You are no one! Not compared to me!" my concentration was broke I blinked as there was a whoosh and a gasp. I looked back. Marcel had caught Davina.

"Beth, back off." I waved my hand and Kol came running out.

"What happened what's going on." he ran down and to my side

"Davina attacked us. Unprovoked. For that she'll die." I went to go forward but i was pulled back

"Easy, darling. Don't do anything you'll regret not when you've got the unity you need." Koll shushes me "You live life dangerously don't you."

"They took you." Davina replied

"No, i came, willingly, Marcel said Beth wanted to see me, I agreed, they haven't hurt me. We're on the same side." Kol replied

"We're gonna be going up against Esther assuming Klaus is upright."I shrugged Kol off

"Look. Nik he's a pain in the ass, but, well, she's a problem for us all." Kol defended his brother.

"Klaus is the problem. I don't give a damn what happens to Esther." Davina retorted

"Yeah, well, I sure do." Cami comes in and glances behind us "Should I ask?" Marcel shakes his head

"Cami, you should go, I'm pissed and that's never a safe place to be." I warn her folding my arms

"No kidding, I woke up with puncture wounds on my spine and no idea how they got there. According to my uncles files they're apart of this ancient spell. I don't know about you guys but when I see 'ancient' and 'spell in the same sentence I think Esther." she rants and I let out a long breath.

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