Chapter Forty Seven - Close Calls

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-3rd Person-

The hybrids we're so close to Cami who was driving during the night scared and with three children. Hope and Daniel were crying. Sophia on the other hand was calm.

"It's okay, I just need to find a payphone." she muttered. Coincidently Cami and the Hybrids were heading for the same pit stop. Cami pulled in first  and got out of the car. She pulled up right outside the phone box but as she did the nerves got the better of her and she dropped the change she had.

"Damn it." she looked back to the car "Sorry, sorry. You're being so brave the least I could so is watch my..." she trailed off hearing a noise

"Whoever's out there if you try anything, I will gouge out your eyes!" she threatened behind her there was a figure

"Actually Camille, it's probably not necessary ." she turned hearing Elijah and felt immense relief.

"What the hell happened back there?" she questioned but before she could say anything the cleverly arrived. There were ten cars that all pulled in. Elijah moved to stand in front of the car.

"Elijah! Elijah relax it's only us!" Pippa yelled jumping out and speeding over "Thank god your safe. I mean Beth knew you could handle yourself but she sent us as well a belated back up. Are you all okay?" she questioned

"That is a discussion best left for safer quarters, let's move."Elijah replied and  Pippa nodded.

"You can drive in the middle of us, we'll let them know we're on the road and escorting you." she turned round to the pack "We're moving out! Keep tight everyone!" Elijah and Cami got back in the car, as well as Pippa and they moved out.


I had gotten a call from Pippa that everyone was safe and they were on the road. After I told Hayley I went to grab some things so I could head of to meet them. I joined a arguing Hayley and Nik in Hayley's room.

"I'm off." i tell them

"Seriously?!" Hayley stresses. "You're going."

"Hayley, you're getting married today. An act which will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that answer to Finn. You will be queen to an army." Nik reasoned with her

"Nik's right, a Queen does not run. I'm going because out of the two of us I'm more equipped for any surprises. I promise you i will slap Elijah for blowing up the house. Just for everyone's sake just do what you need to do. Please." She sighed nodded and I left. 

My fingers tapped the steering wheel as i drove out of New Orleans, I was tracking Pippa's phone to know where they were and I was trying so hard as to not reign hell on every single person within of New Orleans. As it turns out, being a mother has made my temper worse and getting out for a few hours maybe the best thing right now. Nik was briefly keeping me praised of what he was doing to make sure Finn's power was diminished. Removing a few traitors heads was his way of keeping zen apparently.

During my drive though I felt and immense surge of power. I felt something running down from my nose and I touched it. I saw blood. I looked up and everything went blurry and i felt weak.


-3rd Person-

Freya bringing Finn back to life had a ripple effect, more so on Kol and Beth. Both of their noses bled and one had crashed. Once Kol had distracted Davina he was on the phone to Rebekah.

"Say, Bex it's your brother. I need a favour. And you can't tell Beth." he told her

Meanwhile, the entourage were nearing New Orleans. Everyone tense which didn't help that a normally calm Sophia was crying her eyes out for seemingly no reason.

"Sweetheart it's okay, mummy will be meeting us soon." Elijah tried to reassure. But she did not settle. In front of them the cars that were escorting them stopped and Cami stopped as well

"I wonder what's going on?" Cami questioned. Elijah turned his attention back to what was in front of them and the sight was concerning.

"It's Bethany! She's been in a accident!" Elijah heard and sped to get his seatbelt off and out of the car. He past the hybrids to Pippa and Drake who were pulling Bethany out of the car.

"Bethany" he breathed taking her off them and kneeling on the ground "Beth." she took a large intake of breath as she flawed about in shock.

"Bethany! Bethany calm down. It is I. I am here." Bethan calmed herself and her attention snapped towards Elijah.

"E-Elijah? I...I was driving and then and then. Ugh my head." she groaned and Elijah held her to stand.

"Come, we shall get you home." She was helped into one of the cars and the returned home.

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