Chapter Thirty Nine - A mother's love

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-3rd Person-

As Beth walked away to cool off Klaus turned back to Hayley with a scowl , he need to get through to her but he couldn't do that when he was trying to stop Beth from blowing up like a bomb or a volcano.

"I'll protect her and them. And an a easier time I'll have of it without you running off sharing secrets with every motley member of your werewolf brethren ." He ranted

"Damn it Klaus!" she shouted at him "This is our chance.  We can bring her home. We have to at least consider this." Klaus looked down at his watch

"I have considered it. And it has been deemed assured. And in this mater...wait" he looked at his wrist again "3...2...1..." Everywhere around them it began to shake.

"Wha the hell?" Hayley breathed "An earthquake?!"

"No that's Beth!" he shouted over the shaking "That, no this all of this is her decree, none one is above that, not even me and especially  not you. You will tell Jackson the wedding is off?"

"It's a good thing I don't take orders especially not from you." Hayley retorted making Nik smirk

"Love, it's not me your up against. It's the Mama Tribrid of New Orleans. She is the one who ordered the death of her ex boyfriend for the murder of her best friend. She is the one who just one one glance has four Originals behind her back, she is the one who is willing to rain blood upon a whole city just to make sure her children is safe. It's not me you have to go through anymore."

Beth's anger/ tantrum was felt all over the city, it hit with such force and ferocity you had to be well clued in to know what was going on. In the 'secret lair' where Kol and Davina were. Davina held onto  a pole while Kol walked around.

"How can you be so casual during an earthquake?" She called over as he moved around

"Because it isn't one." he shrugged and she wobbled over to where he was with a questioning look "It's Bethany, she's having one of her tantrums again."

"How could you possibly know that?" Kol took her hand

"Listen, really listen, to the vibrations, to the world around you." she closed her eyes and blocked out the tremor, the vibrations the rationality of her brain saying it was an earthquake. It all went silent. She gasped as she heard at the heart of it was subtle and painful sobbing.

"Crying, I hear crying."

"Concentrate more, say what you see." Kol told her and she did, she scowled as a image came up, she saw Bethany kneeled on the ground crying. Davina watched as she struggled to breath she was that upset. Davina pulled away holding her head.

"How did you even...." Davina trailed off

"I know her, we're connected." he shrugged it off "She'll calm down, she just needs to work through it." he continued on moving about the place as if nothing was happening?

The shaking has stopped it all went still and quiet. Hayley glared at Klaus

"I'm done listening to you. Let me know when you want to have a real conversation." she storms off and Klaus follows

"Hayley." he grabbed her arm

"I'm not going to stand here  while you tell me what I can and cannot do to protect my daughter." she seethed

"Our daughter." Nik corrected

"Right, ours. But it was your mother who tried to kill her. Who knows what your equally psychotic brother is up to." she retorted

"I will deal with Finn." he tried to reassure her but as she was about to reply they heard a small whimper they looked over and there was Beth but she was no longer in her human form she was on her wolf form, laying still on the ground. Nik softened and went over to her.

"Hope will always be the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson they hybrid killer with a thousand enemies. Don't you get it it's you, you're the threat." There was a collective howl and thundering footsteps coming towards them from out of the bushes  came Bethany's pack they growled at them and Nik backed off. Then from another direction. Jackson and Mary arrived as the pack surrounded Bethany.

"You wanted protection there you have it." Nik gestured "Turns out we don't need the ragamuffins after all." One moved away to change back and out came Pippa in a oversized t-shirt.

"What the hell is going on!" she shouted then stormed unto Hayley and Klaus "So one better explain right now, or we will go nuclear." she folded her arms. Nik glanced at Hayley.

"I'll go first, Hayley is thinking about sharing with her beloved wolf over there and i mean sharing." Pippa caught on

"Seriously?" she scowled "Feel free to take your own life in your hands but we will not let you put anyone else in danger."

"It is none of your business." Hayley scoffed and the pack in front of her snarled. Jacks went to move but the chomped at the bit in warning. Pippa glanced back

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, you know how protective wolves are of their Alpha." she suggested then turned back to Hayley "We don't trust outsiders, these....wolves are not our kind."

"In your paranoid mind, no one can be trusted. Where will it end?"

"Their deaths" Pippa stated calmly "Their cold dead corpses hanging thought out the bayou as a warning that we are not to be messed with." She walked over to Jackson the trailed a finger over his shoulder

"It would be such a waste to brutally rip your throat out." She commented wistfully "And you're thought it wouldn't be so hard, your old and frail." she gave a little giggle then walked back over to her pack.

"Where will this end?" Hayley question

"It will never end." Klaus went to stand with them.

"I know this wedding can work, I wouldn't risk everything if I wasn't so sure. I just need you to trust me." Klaus looked back down at Beth as did Pippa.

"I do trust you." Klaus replied "But it's not me you have to convince."

"Wolves, ready!" Pippa shouted. The wolves moved past and all lined up

"What are you doing?" Hayley ran over to Pippa.

"Protecting our pack, you and the wolves are a threat, threats must be eliminated, those are the rules. Take Aim!" she answered

"You will not kill them!" Hayley ordered but it fell on deaf ears.

"You have no say Hayley, you are not my Alpha, she is. She is all of ours, worry not we will make it swift." What they didn't see is Beth waking up she stood

"At ease!" the wolves turned to them. Klaus sped over and broke Hayley's neck then sped off with her.

"Beth, we heard you, are you okay?" Pippa breathed holding onto her alpha

"I'm fine." she nodded "We're leaving! Return to human form and return home." the bowed their heads and they all sped off leaving Jackson and Mary alone

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