Chapter 4 - Her Stranger

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I walked into the coffee shop and ordered my drink. I sat down and waited, when a young man maybe a little older than me sat down opposite. I took in a deep breath and then let it out again.

"So now you show your face." I comment as the man smiled at me. It was the same one that had been watching me at the church for the past few months.

"Well I thought it about time, we're practically friends." He smirked and my head tilted slightly it looked familiar "What?" he wondered

"They way you smirk, reminded me of my best friend." I shake my head of the thought and my coffee was placed down in front of me with his.

"Must be a good looking friend." i laughed. It was genuine because that was a typical Kol response.

"Yeah, yeah he was. So tell me..." I trailed off

"Kaleb." he answered

"Kaleb." I nodded

"Kaleb, why have you been following me around? As far as I know the witches gave up after the first months of my grieving." I took a sip of my coffee with a curious look at the man before me, I winced at the bitterness, I forgot to put sweeter in

"I have a different interest in you." I raised an eyebrow "Not that kind of interest. I assure you,  one day you might find out my interest." I reached forward for a packet of sweetener.

"Interesting ring." he looked down to the Emerald and Aquamarine "Birthstones?" I hummed not really giving a response. He leant closer and snatched my hand, startling me

"Sophia Autumn and Daniel Kol." he read and i snatched my hand back. "I know all the names of the Originals, you named one after them."

"Leave me alone." I glared at him, he raised his hands up for a moment and then stood up

"He must have been very special to you, for you to name your son after him." He walked away leaving me on my own once again. Now i was pissed and frustrated. More importantly hungry.


Klaus was kind enough to take Hayley and i out to the cauldron, we heard a group of witches.

"What do we have here?" i wonder looking at my nails making them jump. "A factions of witches meeting in secret. I'm I the only one that now has a happy trigger finger!?" Hayley and Klaus arrived

"Not only you." Hayley replied "What do you say, sister. Klaus?"

"Not right this second, I wanted them to answer some questions." Klaus replied but the didn't want to comply. I stood up straight and smirked and trained my neck. I started to transform, not bothering to strip. The started to run off. The three of us chased after and had our sport.


I had dragged a few back home, they were still alive till the reached the inside of the walls. I transformed back and looked down at the body. I sigh and shrug before running myself a bath. Hayley and Klaus arrived back a little later. I heard Elijah return.

"Checking up on me, husband?" I humm using my magic to turn off the water.

"Looks, like you had an eventful evening, wife." he replied meaning the dead body.

"It was a bit of a shitty day. You know I met someone who reminded me of Kol, who then reminded me of Daniel and then it was just a spiral of shitty memories. Klaus suggested I got with him and we headed to the Cauldron, wouldn't you know we ran into some shady witches." I retold the events

"So would you like me to remove your leftovers?" I rolled eyes and grabbed the loofa, then held it out. He took it from me and began to clean my back, always gentle and attentive.

"Your viable and silent judgment is larger than Kol's ego, Elijah. Besides you and Klaus have done a lot worse and for longer." I retort back at him .

"I would hope that you and Hayley would hold yourself to a higher standard than Niklaus." I stood up and turned around, he did as well and handed me a towel.

"Dead are those who keep me a mother away from their children. I can't even see Sophia, because she is at risk as well and she's not a blood mikaelson. Besides, the three of us a hybrids we have a werwolf temper with a vampire appetite so, go screw your judgemental self." I wrapped the towel around my body and got out.

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