Chapter 11 - Third Eye

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I kick the doors open of the kitchen and walk out holding a tray of drinks. I then place them on the table set up in the courtyard and grin.

"Come and get your All Hallows eve drinks!" I call out to my fellow family members "Get your ass out here and try how amazing I am at being a bartender. Now!" I order.

"What is with all the shouting, little one?!" Nik huff coming out of his room and jogged downstairs. Hayley  followed him as well and I grinned. I stood back and gestured to the drink.

"You do realise you don't need to shout right?" Hayley sighed and and grinned at her

"Just drink, you'll love me even more for it." they lifted up the glasses and sniffed it, i saw they're hybrid selves come forward and they downed it.

"What was in that?" Nik wondered blinking away his nature

"Witches blood, shot of adrenaline, three shots of tequila and a dash of rum. The ultimate vampire cocktail. What do you think?" I ask bitting my lip.

"That is second only to the taste of blood." Hayley admitted

"I know right? Unfortunately I can't replicate the taste of fear during the rush of an escape attempt but I think I came close." i clap my hands.

"Well I have things to be doing, so I will see you two later." Nik sped off and I went to go clean up,

"Brother! Niklaus!" I hear Elijah and I walk back out just as Hayley is heading over to him.

"You do realise that literally everyone here has supernatural hearing right?" Hayley huffs annoyed with both of our loud voices of attention

"Where is my brother?" Elijah questions us.

"Busy being Nik, somewhere, we don't know he's Nik." I roll my eyes at him

"Bethany, Hayley, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my deranged  mothers commands. Considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, perhaps now is not the best time for either of your particular brands of sass." he sassed me, I push Hayley back and stood in front of him.

"Wanna say that again, no one else but me, Hayley and Nik can fuck with you and get away with it. Try politeness if you want an answer, Elijah Mikaelson." I fold my arms and raise my eyebrow at him. He sighs and backs down off his high horse.

"Bethany, would you please inform me of the whereabouts of my brother." I smile at him

"Happy to, he left a while ago. Didn't say where. But you know there is this magical device called a phone that you should be able to reach him on. Good Luck with that." I went to walk away but i stopped hearing Hayley.

"One more thing Elijah. Those beasts you're referring to. They may be under Esther's control, but like you said, they're my people. So if you hurt them, your bitch mother will be the least of your problems." She threatened then joined me as we walked away. I stopped mid walked closed my eyes. I watched as Esther now in Lenore's body, tried to do a locator spell, the glass bowl in her hands smashed. The pendant that i had given to Kol acted as a third eye, and a protective shield  shielding by a very powerful cloaking spell, so Esther didn't know that he was on my team.

Despite the fact I told Finn that Kol was mine he and Esther refused to take me seriously, obviously because they are stuck so far up their own ass.

"She's somehow blocked our locator spells." Esther stated

"Not entirely my fault then." I heard Kol reply to his mother glad that he was a little of the hook for his failure.

"Considering your sole task was keeping track of a teenager you might wanna draw a little less attention to your absolute failure to do so." Finn came in condescending as always.

"You're one to talk about failure. Tell me again who was found shrug up to the gates of the cemetery after being knocked out by my tribrid sister in law? Oh wait that was you, you lost against a girl. Not to mention how is that human girl? got her to bare her soul yet?...." I was shaken out of the connection and I blinked a worried Hayley

"What did you do that for?" I scowl

"You just stopped and went still, you scared the hell out of me." she breathed stepping away, shaking her head.

"I was spying, through my spy, getting information and the juiciest bit I don't even get to see. So freaking close." I huff and then we're rejoined by Elijah

"Bethany, would you accompany me of some business?" he held out his arm and I nod

"Sure, I'm fine Hayley, go be Queen." I take Elijah's arm and we leave for across the river. Elijah catches me up on what's been going on apparently the werewolves threatened by the vampire's to move out by the end of the day. We arrived at Marcel's loft.

"...but how are we supposed to learn to defend ourselves from super wolves in one day?" i heard Josh. I decided to have some fun, I sped in and snapped two vampire necks, then grinned at them.

"Lesson one." Elijah stated from behind them "always be on your guard." I giggled slightly

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