Chapter Seventy Eight - Mama's Home!

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I laid in wait, Nik and I figured they would try to trick Dahlia and for our plan to work, she needs to be in the dark.I watched from the roof as Freya stood in the middle holding two babies. I could hear Rebekah changing in one of the upstairs rooms and I could smell Elijah's cologne from downstairs.

"Nik, send Marcel in to Rebekah she's in my room. Freya is the courtyard and Elijah is mine." I spoke. Marcel did his job and the planed they had put in place began to fall apart.

"Elijah now!" Freya grabbed ahold of Dahlia and Elijah sped out. I jumped down and using magic and sent a pulse knocking him out of the way.

"Hey sexy. Miss me" Threw him into a upstairs wall giving him all my attention. I sped up and he'd him by the scruff of his shirt.


"Nuh-uh, You've been a bad boy, a naughty boy and you gave Hayley permission to leave with my children.." I held him over the balcony.

"She's controlling you, you have to fight her." he groaned

"Nah, the only thing she did is bring my daughter to me to free us from that dagger you stuck in Nik's heart." he fought back and we began to fight.

"Enough!" I held him against the wall with my magic.

"She will take everything from us." he struggled as I forced desiccation on him

"You already did that when you broke my heart." I cried "You broke your vows to me, for better for worse. In sickness and in health till death do us part. You tried to rip our child away from me!" i screamed at him

"You who promised to protect and love me, broke me. It seems only fitting to break a part of you." I let go of desiccating him and made him look over the balcony. Gia came out "Did I forget to mention. She was the decoy earlier, her true purpose was to break the illusion that you think you know best. Gia, if you please."

"No! No!" Gia removed her daylight ring and began to burn in the sun. I pulled Elijah back "You took my purpose and I'll fuck yours." he stopped struggling

"You seem upset, broken, Elijah. Like I have stolen a piece from your soul a purpose in your life. Welcome to my world except the difference between you and I, is I will get mine back, and until you get the point of all this, I will take every purpose to live you have just on principal." I stab my finger at his chest

"Welcome back to the land of broken souls. If you think this is bad, I'm sure you'll love the next part." I give him a small smile then stab him with the tunde blade. he screamed in pain as i shoved him over the balcony and i slowly made my way down.

"Having fun, sweetheart?" Nik wondered

"This is not fun for me Nik." I blew some hair out of my face "This is necessary , every couple fight's right? We will eventually get through this, it just may take a few hundred years than humans." i held out my arms

"Klaus, Bethany." our attention turned toward Cami who entered the compound.

"You shouldn't have come here Camille." Nik told her

"I've come here because you need me. The both of you do. You need me to tell you that this ...this is not you. I know that your hurt but please listen to me, both of you are better than this." she told us coming closer

"Is there a problem?" Dahlia asked

"Not at all, just a meek human getting the way of family business and a marital fight. Nik deal with her already." I sigh folding my arms Nik stalked over and bit her to much her protest. I went over to Elijah and ran my knuckles down his cheek.


"Quite the sinister plot they had planned. Would have failed in the end, though. Just as well you came to your senses and sided with me." Dahlia glanced over at us as I poured myself a drink and Marcel brought in a chained Rebekah.

"Have you lost your mind?" Rebekah protested as she was brought in.

"Our minds are quite clear. We just decided to purge it of treacherous barnacles." Nik commented back to his sister.

"You bastard! How could you?" she seethed

"Actually it's rather simple. All is fair in love and war. Elijah betrayed us, so we returned in kind only we're more better at it." I smirk handing the a drink over to Nik.

"Marcellus, keep Rebekah here. If she tries to leave...Well, you do enjoy life as a mortal. You can punish her by taking that life away." Nik down the drink as did I.

"Go to hell." Marcel sneered

"If by 'hell you mean by hell somewhere you were betrayed by those you hold most dear then Marcel we've been there for quite sometime. We don't care much for it." Nik sped in front of me

"Do as your told." he compelled "There's a good lad"

"The children's magic is still cloaked, I will need your blood to track them." Dahlia came over and held her hands out.

"No Nik, Beth don't." Rebekah pleaded. I ignored her and bit my hand giving my blood Nik copied. Dahlia performed the locator spell and found them at a junkyard. I snuck up on one of the wolves and ripped him out with my claws. his screams brought jackson and Hayley running. snapping his neck he dropped

"Mama's home!" I cheer.

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