Chapter 56 - Funeral Part 2

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"We're here today to pay our tribute and our respect to a pillar of our community. Our sister, our protector. Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes." The pastor began the ceremony "We are also here today to show our love and support for Liz's family and friends. Not only have we sensed our own personal feelings loss of her passing...." Elijah tok a hold of my hand as the other held onto Daniel. This was a very fast come down from smoking all day.

During the ceremony, all the officers stood and I looked at them, they made their way to the front and rested the American flag on her casket standing to attention. They performed the last call.

"Calling Sheriff Forbes." there was nothing "This is the last call for Sheriff Forbes. No response." It was during that time I broke down into tears Stefan and rose from his feet and took Daniel as through my blurred vision I sat him take Sophia too and Elijah cradled me in his arms

"Radio Number 2-6 is out of service after 12 years and four months of police service. Gone but never forgotten. Centre!" Elijah removed his hankercheif and wiped away my tears and I rested against him. Damon came up the officers had gone back to their seats.

"Liz Forbes was my friend. In her last moments she asked me to pass along a message to her daughters. But I cut her off before she could say too much. Told her she could tell Caroline and Bethany, herself. But she didn't get that chance." he stated and his gaze fell on us. "You mom wanted you to know how proud she was of the two of you. And she should be. Two beautiful, strong women. Caroline, Generous friend and a bright light in a sea of darkness. Bethany a fiercely strong independent woman and a lioness of a mother. She said the two of you were extraordinary and you are.

So was she. Liz was a hero to this town. She was a hero to all of you and she was a hero to me. Goodbye Sheriff, you will be missed." he glanced to the coffin and with that he finished his eulogy. Caroline stood up in front of everyone.

"Thank you all for coming." she began "I want to invite my sister to come up and join me." I glance at Elijah and he nodded. I stood and took her side her hand slipped into mine and she began to sing and i joined in.


It was the wake and I decided to take some air and a bottle of whiskey. I sat on the bench in the square when Caroline joined me. I handed it to her.

"Look at us getting along. Mom would be happy." she commented taking the bottle.

"Don't get used to it. I may be over most of my smoking but I'm buzzed enough but that and the whiskey to me less bitchy." I then lit up another one and handed that to her as well. 

"Do you hate me?" she questioned

"Yes." I turned my head to her "That night in the library before I left I told you, you broke my heart. You did, you broke me and I will never forgive you for that." I took my my alcohol and weed.

"Right." she whispered then stood up "I really am sorry." she walked away and I shrugged it off. A little while later Elijah came out with the stroller that held my two sleeping children.

"Can we go home yet. I'd rather face your psychotic Aunt than remain here." I tell him.

"We can leave in the morning, once you've let them things go." he gestured to the weed and the whiskey.

"I will finish this off before I follow you." I tapped his shoulder and went for a walk, eventually retuning to the hotel.

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